
25 5 0

I'm tired, exhausted and drained.
If I keep quiet any longer, I might just go insane.
If I could escape or even change my name,
I would be winning a whole new ball game.

I am forlorn over the loss of the things I desire;
Goals, wishes and dreams I wanted to acquire.
I have lost the battle, I'm losing the war -misfire.
Perhaps it's time to admit failure, call a ceasefire.

The decision to keep everyone at arm's length made.
I'm no longer interested in being betrayed,
I prefer living in the shadows with my self-mutilation switchblade.
I bleed my emotions, my demons won, my mind slayed.

My screams pierce my own silence
But completely drowned out by my defiance.
I learned not to trust or have in people, reliance.
The only shred of sanity left is my refusal of compliance.

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