3 hours without chocolate

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Hi we are back with more dares from the fabulous Silverleopard Chara has to go three hours without chocolate and Fell sans has to confess to Fell Frisk.

Chara: WHY!!!!!!!!! *le cries*

Chara I think its time you go to rehab for chocolate addiction.

Chara: no

One hour later

Chara:*mumbling under breath about chocolate*

Sans: why not try Grillby's its good.

Chara: no thanks smiley trash bag.

Frisk: pie?

Chara: no

How about cheesecake I've never seen you eat any before?

Yeah cheesecake is awesome you have to try some

Chara: fine give me cheesecake. Doubt that I'll like it.

*cheesecake appears*

Chara: *taste cheesecake and kinda likes it* hey this actually good

And it's not even chocolate flavor.

Chara: wait this stuff can be chocolate?

Fell why would you do that? *sighyeah it can chocolate flavor.

Chara: I wanna try Chocolate Flavor.

Toriel: you still have two hours left you still can't be with chocolate child.

Chara: I can live with this for now.

2 hours later

Chara: times Up give me my husband


Chara: I was talking about my chocolate Azzy

Asriel: oh

Here's your chocolate bars anyway fell sans would you be a dear a confess to your world's Frisk? Please if you don't
Sliver has a chainsaw and not afraid to use it.

UF Sans: NO

* chainsaw noise*

UF Sans: okay okay fine. Where is Sweetheart anyway?

UF frisk: I'm here. you wanted to tell me something?

UF Sans: More like sing (pretend its fell frisk in the video.

I love you sweetheart.

UF Frisk: I Love you to bonehead.


UF Frisk: um what?

UF Sans:*Kisses Frisk on the lips*

UF Frisk:* Kisses back*

Make out secession!!!!! It's great that the power of song brings people together. Ah love such a wonderful thing and the only thing I don't have . 😊

See you guys later.

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