Dream sans: Another daughter you say.
Cross sans: Yaay more kids
Dream Frisk: Um sans how many children do we have?
Cross Frisk: depending on the fandom a lot.
Jace: Okay hug time (YESSSSSSS THANK YOU!)
Galaxy: Alright bring it in *doesn't mind hugs*
Jace and Galaxy: *hug each other*
Jace: (her fur is so soft! 😆)
Galaxy: (he smells like cinnamon and pinecones 😐 Noice.)
Both: *Stop hugging*
Frisk: I must come up with a ship name!
Sans: yes finally!
Galaxy: No 🙅 until next time people
Ask or dare undertale Au's (COMPLETE)
Randomships sans X frisk papyrus x Mettaton Undyne x Alphys Toriel x Asgore Asriel x Chara you can also ask Flowey, Nastablook, Temmie And myself if you want