I flinched each time a punch was thrown at Eli. I was trying to ignore the feelings in my stomach I was getting but it was really hard. I stayed in the corner until I locked eyes with Rob and a small smile played on his lips. I looked away only to see Eli take a blow in the face, causing his lip to split. I covered my eyes with my hands just as another hand was placed over my mouth and I was dragged over to a car with darkened windows. I screamed and tried to hit the person who was holding me which resulted in me being thrown into the back of the car as my head hit something hard and I fell into unconsciousness.
I woke up in a dark room and I wrapped my hands around myself, noticing I was freezing. I quickly got up from the slumped position I was in as my eyes focused on my surroundings.
"Hello?" I said shakily.
I walked over to the door, preparing for it to be locked but it swung open easily. I peaked my head around the corner to see a long hall with a load of doors. I stepped out of the current room I was in and made my way up the corridor until I came to a large door, at the end of the hall. I opened up the door but all I saw was a group of people that I didnt know.
What the-? I thought back to how I got here but all I received was a pounding headache so I pushed it out of my mind. I walked back slowly from the door, willing myself not to be seen when suddenly a hand grabbed my hair.
“What are you doing here sweetie?” A voice hissed in my ear.
“I-I where a-am I?” I asked shakily.
He frowned at me and led me to a new room and shoved me in. At least this room had lights in it.. It was pretty empty except for a bed a tiny bathroom, which contained a toilet and sink. I sighed as I threw myself onto the bed and cried not knowing what to do. Once again I tried to look back to how I got here. I ignored the pain but it all just came out blank. I screamed with frustration, not caring who heard me.
It felt like I was screaming for hours when suddenly I saw a figure walk in to my room and over to my bed.
"Dont you dare touch me." I hissed trying to sound strong.
The man chuckled as he sat down on my bed.
"Now, now. Quiet down" He said
I scooted back into the corner of the bed as he continued to speak.
"I just have a couple of questions to ask you about one certain person."
I didnt speak as my stomach went into knots.
"Tell me everything you know about Eli Fullman."
My mind blanked. Who the hell was Eli?
Hey guys! So yeah, this is my idea of a cliffhanger :L I hope you enjoyed! The first person to comment below I will dedicate the chapter to :D
Ciara. xo

Secrets Can Kill.
RomanceWhat do you do when your kidnapped? What happens when you can't remember anything apart from what you and your dad's name is? What do you do when you no longer want to be near anyone? What happens when your constantly paranoid something is going to...