Okay so I found out what Mystery #934 means and it would mean a lot if you would vote? :L also! what do you guys think of Shay Mitchell as Caprice and Chace Crawford as Eli? I'm not to sure about Chace so can you leave suggestions below please? :)
This went on for months on end. Each day a different person would come and ask me about a boy called Eli. They refused to tell why I was here, who they were or even who this 'Eli' person was. Each day, after a couple of hours of interrogation I would get hit. That was the worst part of being here. I soon had bruises all over my body and I ached when I moved. I cried each night wishing I could be found.
And, one day something interesting happened. I was woken up during the night by the door of my room opening.
"Caprice, ppst, it's me!" A voice said quietly coming into my room.
I pushed myself up to the corner of my bed. Why was he being so quiet? And why was he coming in so late? I started panicking and tears flooded my eyes.
"Who are you and how the hell do you know my name?" I said as I started to shake.
"Caprice? It's me Sam. I'm here to get you out of this hell-hole." He whispered.
I decided to go with him, but that did NOT mean I trusted him. I just needed to start thinking of a plan when he was bringing me out of my room. I followed him quietly out as we made our way down the halls. We walked for about ten minutes when suddenly I saw a door with a small window and outside there were a load of trees. Crap, if I made a run for it now number one; I would have no idea where to go and number two; I would get hit. Badly.
I followed the guy to a small car and he told me to quietly hop in. Oh crap. Where the heck was he bringing me? When I slid into the dark car and he revved the engine I was suddenly distracted by another boy running out of the building. He opened up the door and threw himself in. I screamed and covered my already bruised face. There was a lot of different emotions on the guy's face and as he looked at least 16 and angry I was terrified.
"Please." I sobbed. "D-dont hit m-me."
After a few moments of silence I dared to look up and see conflicting emotions on the boy's face. I then realised that the car was moving. Oh crap. Where the hell were they bringing me? I pressed myself further into the corner of the car as I shook with fear.
"W-where a-are you taking m-me?" I said in between sobs.
"Home, Caprice." The guy said quietly. I felt like I could possibly trust him but I wasnt sure so I pushed the thought to the back of my mind.
After a large amount of driving, or what felt like it, we arrived in a place which looked familiar. Then something clicked in my mind.. My home!
I flung open the door and sprinted in to the house which I remembered as mine. I swung open the door and screamed out.
A man ran down the stairs and when he saw me ran even faster and threw his arms around me. He started crying and when I looked at him I remembered who he was too.
"Dad?" I sobbed. I hadnt seen him for months now.
"Two. Boys. Brought. Me. Here. Who. Are They?" I gasped in between sobs. I heard a cough and looked around to see the boys enter the house.
"Back off. I will call the police." I growled. The boy with the dark hair just looked sad.
"Capri, that's Eli. He's helped you." My dad told me.
I couldnt take this anymore. I had no idea what was going on. I was exhausted as it was still the middle of the night and I usually couldnt sleep anyways. Before I knew it, I had after collapsing on the floor and I winced as I fell on my bruises. The next thing I heard was my dad's worried voice but I couldnt move. I just blacked out.
So. If you didnt know by now Caprice has memory loss. Im sorry if this isnt edited properly, it is currently 23:45 and I am exhausted. And also, I know my chapters arent super long but I am posting very frequently so I hope that makes up for it! Also, I am dedicating this chapter to LaurenJ22 as she is an amazing writer and I really look up to her. I am currently reading her story 'the best thing for me' and it is so awesome! So yeah, check out that and dont forget to vote, comment, fan etc! Until next time. My love, Ciara xo

Secrets Can Kill.
RomanceWhat do you do when your kidnapped? What happens when you can't remember anything apart from what you and your dad's name is? What do you do when you no longer want to be near anyone? What happens when your constantly paranoid something is going to...