twenty three

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V's PoV;

I woke up to a dark room, obviously early in the morning.

I stretched, feeling a warmth hit my hand as I brought it back down.

"Thanks for that." A voice mumbled, croaky.

"Sorry." I laughed quietly.

Jungkook was finally beside me. We weren't at eachother's throats and shouting in eachother's faces. We were laid peacefully beside eachother, his legs tangled in mine and his arm lazily thrown over my waist.

"You've woken me up now." Jungkook groaned, sitting up, "what time even is it?"

I shrugged, leaning over to find my phone when I felt a huge jolt of pain run up my body, "fuck!"

"Why are you so loud, what the fuck?" He mumbled, standing up and stretching, "what are you doing?"

He fumbled around to find the lamp, switching it on and letting a dim yellow light the room.

"Dying. I think you went a little bit too rough last night."

Jungkook laughed, smirking, "that is unfortunate for you, isn't it?"

I glared at him, smiling as he continued to laugh.

He walked over, finding my phone and checking the time.

"You cannot be fucking serious."

"What?" I asked, thinking something bad had happened to someone.

"It's three in the fucking morning."

I held back a giggle at his face, pissed off yet adorable as he pouted.

"If you hadn't have smacked me, this wouldn't be happening." 

"What did I even hit?"

"You smacked me right on my stomach. Good job my abs of steel protected me." He pointed to his stomach, his abs contracting.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes, "we might as well go downstairs."

He nodded slowly, slipping on some sweatpants.

"Where did you put my clothes?" I asked, looking round.

"You only had the thigh highs on when I came in." He said, "and came." 

He laughed at his dirty remark, holding his hand out for a high five and then high fiving himself when I looked at him blandly.

"I am not walking into the dorm room. I'm half naked!"

"I'm not complaining."

I smacked him on his arm gently, "Jungkook!"

"Ow, okay sorry. I'll give you some of my clothes to wear since you always fucking steal my hoodies." He taunted playfully, looking through his wardrobe before throwing a hoodie and sweatpants at me.

We walked downstairs, his feet padding quietly down the steps as mine hit the floor heavily, not too bothered if anyone else woke up.

Because they all sleep like they're dead. Nothing will wake anyone up.

He walked into the kitchen, leaning his forehead against the fridge as he waited for the kettle to boil.

"Do you want a cup of tea?" His voice asked, deep and coated with tiredness.

"Mhm." I nodded, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my face against his shoulder.

"Tired, baby?" He asked, pouring the hot water, the steam flying above his head.

I nodded again, pressing my lips to his skin.

"Shall we go watch a film?" I took the cup from Jungkook, thanking him with a kiss to his cheek.

He murmured in approval, stumbling sleepily into the living room, slumping onto the sofa.

I picked the cup out of his hands, putting it beside mine on the table. I made my way onto the sofa, sitting against him inbetween his legs, tucking my head under his chin. I felt him gently kiss the top of my head, rubbing his thumb over my hand as we held hands.

I switched on the TV, going to the film section.

"What do you wanna watch?"

"Whatever you want to watch, baby." 

"I want to watch Iron Man."

"I love Iron Man. Almost as much as I love you." He said cheesily, grinning.

"Aw man, that was cheesy as fuck!" I laughed, punching his arm.

I put the film on, snuggling closer to Jungkook, feeling him wrap his arm around my waist, our entwined hands resting on my hip.

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