seventy one

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Taehyung's PoV;

"And then the damn bastard has the fucking nerve to bring him to me, bruised black and blue and blood covering his face." Jungkook ranted, gripping the door handle so tight that his knuckles went a milky white, "who the fuck does he think he is?"

"I won't lie, Jeon, I'm surprised you haven't killed him yet. I know he's your brother and everything, but still. This behaviour isn't very you. What's holding you back from embedding a bullet into his thick skull?" Minhyuk asked, spinning the wheel so we turned the corner.

Jungkook sighed in exasperation, "I don't know. I just can't. He's attacked me, my house, Yoongi, Jaebum and even fucking Taeyong. Yet, I still can't bring myself to lay a finger on him. I know it's not fear because I've been in fights with him and I can easily win him over, but my body freezes when I have the opportunity to kill him."

Minhyuk looked at him from the side of his eye, shaking his head. 

"What?" Jungkook asked.

"You don't want to kill him, do you? You don't want to, but you feel as though you should. I believe you feel pressured into it, because your reputation of being ruthless and not giving a shit subconsciously tells you to do it. But, you're like putty in his hands. He's fucking you over. He's toying with you, Jeon, and he knows it. You can tell. That damned smirk he wears on his face when your blade is to his neck and you don't push it hard enough to even scratch. He fucking knows."

Jungkook frowns, playing with one of the rings that decorates his nimble fingers.

"He knows he went too far with the Taeyong incident. He knows he should've been killed by Yoongi when he attempted to have a fight with him. He knows Jaebum should've beaten him to a pulp. He knows that everytime he had a fight with you, you should've sliced his head clean off. The way Jungkook was. The way Jungkook did it." Minhyuk pressed his foot on the pedal to accelerate further up the long, winding road that was empty, "but Yoongi didn't kill him. Jaebum didn't hit him. You didn't hurt him. Something holds all of you back, and he used this to his advantage. Now he's got each and every single one of you wrapped around his pinky finger."

Jungkook runs his hands through his hair tiredly and restlessly, "I know, I know. I fucking know, Minhyuk. It drives me up the fucking wall. I know and he knows that I can't and won't do anything. I don't know what it is. The only thing I know is that I don't want to go back to the way I was. I don't want to do things the way I used to."


"I don't want to be like my dad." 

With that, Jungkook thanked Minhyuk and ran into Taeil's open arms at the doorway before making his way into Taeyong's house to see how he's getting on after Jang-ho's beating.

"You alright kid?" Minhyuk asked, looking at me from the rearview mirror.

I snapped my gaze away from looking at Taeyong's house through the car window.

"Yeah." I nodded, "can I ask you a question?"

"Sure. Make it quick though, I have to pick someone up in five minutes."

"What do you mean by the way Jungkook was? And how he used to do things?" I asked curiously, playing with the sleeve of my coat in anxiousness.

"I'm surprised you don't know." Minhyuk said.

He turned around in his seat so he could see me.

"Basically, Jungkook went to assassin's school, as you know. But before he made his way up to the top, he was known as one of the best goons in the mafia scene. The stories of him killing other goons and whatnot are true. Sometimes they deserved it, sometimes he was just in a bad mood. The way they died would depend on how he was feeling. The most infamous one was when he tortured an enemy goon for about thirteen hours. It's often excused because the guy was a rapist. To put it simply, Jungkook was a fucking monster. He killed anyone who got in his way and god forbid, if they went against him. He abused his power as a Jeon and as a mafia member. If a 'normal' person did that, they'd be put straight on death row. What he did was normal, but it was his age that made it so fucked up. Usually, it's only the older men that are like that. Like, men in their fifties and forties. They're that way because they've had wives and kids ripped from their lives and their hearts have been shredded, so they feel no remorse. Jungkook never had nothing of the sort. Yes, his parents neglected him but that shouldn't have made him this messed up. Before you came, he didn't even know the meaning of love. He was incapable of love. You're the guardian angel for all of us. If you'd have never come into our lives, or if you stayed with Kai, he would've carried on how he was. Who knows what would've happened then? He's like an angel compared to how he used to be. Though Jungkook may make his parents out to be abusive alcoholics and drug addicts, they weren't like that constantly. They did their duties and they did them well. Jungkook is just like his father except his father was no where near as violent or brutal as Jungkook. But if you notice an action or habit that Jung-hyun, Jeong-ja, Jang-ho and Jungkook all do, it comes from their father. Any fighting techniques come from him. The only thing that differs is the way Jungkook holds his blade."

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