sixty eight

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Taehyung's PoV;

"But seriously, Taehyung, he really does love you. I've never seen him look at someone the same way as he looks at you, it's so... fond." Jimin struggled for words, making intricate hand gestures in an attempt to translate his words, "even throughout highschool with all his awkward, ever-so-slightly ugly crushes who were punching way above their weight, he never looked at them in the same way. Not one."

I crinkled my nose slightly, smiling, "really? I thought I was just another boyfriend, except this time he fell a little deeper."

Jimin shook his head quickly, the brown hair bouncing as he did so, "no. Not at all. I won't lie, you're not his first boyfriend, but you're definitely the first one that he's been proud to show off. I think his exes, guys and girls, were just more like trophies to bring to parties but he'd never go home with the same person he came to the party with. Jungkook was, for a lack of a better word, a fuckboy."

I spluttered, choking on my tea before laughing, "no way! I mean, I'm not entirel- I'm not even shocked in the slightest."

Jimin raised his eyebrows in a knowing manner, "can you blame him? I can say these types of things because he's my best friend, but he's fucking hot, even Yoongi says it occasionally."

I brushed off the tiny tingle of jealousy, knowing I was overexaggerating because Jimin is that type of best friend to say that they'd fuck you, but forget to add on 'no homo though.'

Jimin is just extremely gay, both in his sexuality and for his friends.

It's nothing we're not used to.

I pulled a face, "I thought Yoongi was all about possession?"

"Well, yeah. But that's in the bedroom." Jimin covered his face in mild embarrassment, lowering his volume, "you know, as in like, 'you're mine' with all the choking and love bites and uh, other... stuff."

I raised my eyebrows, widening my eyes as I looked at my hands which were wrapped around a steaming cup of tea.

I wasn't going to sit here and pretend that Jungkook had never choked me, because it was fucking glorious, or make out that he'd never given me a love bite because he'd given me quite a few.

The 'you're mine' comments just come out naturally, like a pet name, especially when he gets jealous.

Jealous Jungkook leads to extremely rough and hot sex, but there's always aftercare, no matter the situation.

Like he could fuck me into next week because he'd seen a guy flirting with me, and I'd get the sexual degradation about how I'm only a slut for him and that I'm his, but afterwards he always does aftercare.

Whether it be cleaning me up in the bath or bringing me tea and biscuits, it always happened.

"If you could keep our sex life private, kitten, that'd be absolutely fantastic." Yoongi muttered, coming back into the café with Jungkook hot on his trails.

"Ooh, kitten! That's sexy." Jungkook commented, sliding into the seat beside me.

I could smell his cigarette smoke clinging to his clothes, mingling with the smell of his masculine, yet comforting, aftershave. 

Jimin blushed red at Yoongi's comment, the colour deepening at Jungkook's response.

I felt the tips of my ears go red at Jungkook saying the pet name so casually, whereas inside I was fucking dying.

It kept repeating in my head, swimming around my brain like shoals of fish, continuously chanting it like a mantra.

Similar to when Yoongi got very drunk and proceeded to fucking yell 'J-hope' at the top of his lungs, Hoseok sitting there half-embarrassed and half-amused.

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