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Yoongi's PoV;

Truth be told, I was jealous that Taehyung got to stay at home with Jimin. He gets to spend so much time with Jimin, it's unfair. I asked Jungkook about it once and he just told me to tell Taehyung or Jimin.

It's understandable really, Jungkook doesn't interfere with our personal lives unless there's a chance of it affecting him.

He's selfish in that way, but it's a good thing.

"Oi, Yoongs, quit daydreaming and speed up." Jungkook whispered, pushing Jin to one side as we entered a warehouse, crouching beside the opening.

"Is everyone loaded up? If not, tell me now because there is a lot of people in there." Jungkook checked his gun.

"Uh, I'm half out." I admitted quietly to Jungkook as the others checked their guns.

"You can have my bullets, I'll get one of theirs." He nodded his head towards the gang members swirling around inside, handing me his gun.

"Thank you so much." 

"Can't have you going, you're the best out of the five. Don't tell Namjoon." He winked, patting me on the shoulder before beckoning everyone towards him.

"Yoongi, Jin, stay together at all costs. Hoseok, Namjoon, I need you two near eachother but if you're on your own, try be around them two or me. This will get bloody, but I doubt you'll be seriously injured. These guys are newbies but they're fucking loaded. I'm going for a guy who wears three chains, one silver, one gold and one rose gold. Stay away from him, he's dangerous compared to them. I'm killing him first, then I'll help you wipe this place out. Questions?"

"If one of us is injured, what do we do?"

"If it's not that bad, keep moving. If they can't move, stay with the injured person and protect them. We'll be in and out, twenty minutes tops."

"What if you're really injured?"

"Keep killing. Once it's safe for you all or one of you to come to me, then do it. We good?"

Everyone nodded.

Jungkook licked his lips, checking his watch.

"There's one thing I forgot to mention. I've wired a bomb to blow at midnight. It's only ten past eleven. All of us must be out for ten to midnight. That gives us forty minutes, you didn't really need to know but it's just to keep in the back of your mind. This means that if you're by yourself and it's nearing ten to, leave the house and wait. Let's go, don't bother sneaking."

Jungkook readied his blades and brass knuckles before heading in, us all following afterwards.

"Yoongi, this way." Jin pulled me to the corner. "That three chains guy is over there, Jungkook is about to walk up. If we stay on this side of the room, we'll be fine." 

I aimed at a guy near Hoseok, shooting him right in the chest, earning a thumbs up from Hoseok.

I think I can take my pent up anger out on these guys.

I shot another, this time in the leg and then again in the neck.

Stupid Taehyung, taking Jimin from me.

I dodged a knife, rolling on the floor, shooting as I crawled.

I want Jimin back, we spent so much time together before Taehyung. Don't get me wrong, I love the kid, I'm just jealous.

I think Jungkook has noticed because I'm near Jimin a lot now with my chores.

There's not much point as Jimin just talks about Taehyung or Jungkook.

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