twenty five

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Yoongi's PoV;

Taeyong stood, his hands on his hips while pulling a face. 

"It's like a bomb went off in here, what happened?" He asked, nudging a body with the toe of his shoe, "a cherry bomb by the looks of all the blood."

"A few members of a gang came in, walked over to Taehyung and said they were here to kill him."  Namjoon said, pointing to the body near Hoseok.

"You would not believe how cool Jungkook and Yoongi were though." Jimin beckoned Taeyong to sit down.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah! Jungkook and Taehyung were cuddling on the sofa, dead asleep. You know how Jungkook is when he's asleep, he's pretty dead. So these guys burst in, neither Jungkook or Taehyung stir, then this guy goes to touch Taehyung's face and suddenly, Jungkook's hand shoots out and stabs him in the neck."

"Damn Jungkook, didn't realise you still had it in you." Taeyong said, impressed.

"You're older than me." Jungkook retorted, checking Jin's neck from where the guy slightly dug in the blade in, telling Hoseok to run upstairs and get some antiseptic wipes to clean off the blood.

"Yeah, whatever."

"And then, it got better. Well not good for us, because we were at knifepoint but you get what I mean. So then, Jungkook shot at the guy holding Yoongi and Yoongi did not even move a muscle while the bullet shot right next to him. Like, it was a centimetre away."

"That's because Yoongi has total faith in the guy. Can't blame him, I do too. Pretty cool though, sweet job guys."

Jimin sat, grinning away looking adorable as he rambled on about how "awesome" and "cool" me and Jungkook were. What a baby. My baby.

"So where's your members?"  Namjoon asked.

"Oh, they're on their way, just picking up some stuff. Bleach and bags and that, you know." Taeyong explained, checking his phone, "Taeil just texted saying they're a minute or two away."

"Who's driving?"


"They'll probably be about thirty seconds then." Jungkook muttered, as he checked for any injuries on Taehyung.

"Don't insult his driving!" Taeyong laughed.

"He thinks he's in a fucking formula one car, but he's actually in a shitty old rusted car that he nicked as a teenager, refusing to give it up." Jungkook described, Taehyung laughing, causing Jungkook to smile.

"That's, oddly specific." Namjoon said.

"Oddly correct." Jungkook said, pointing to himself when the doorbell rang, "what did I say?"

I rolled my eyes playfully, going to answer the door.

"Hey, hey! Long time, no see Daegu boy!" Johnny said, slapping me on the back as he pulled me into a hug.

"Probably should keep it that way." I replied.

I looked over at Taeil, who looked a bit pale.

"You alright Taeil?"

"Just nearly died about fifty times, not bad. Peachy. Apparently Johnny doesn't know what a speed limit or a red light means." He staggered in, dizzy.

"Drama queen. Where's my boy?" Johnny said.

"In there, I'll take you in." I brought them in, showing them to everyone.

"Jungkook!" Taeil squealed, suddenly over his near death experience, running over to Jungkook.

"Taeil!" Jungkook imitated his voice, catching him as he jumped.

"I missed you so, so much! The last time I saw you was like nine months ago. I was worried you would've forgotten what I looked like or what my name was, although I didn't forget what you looked like, don't you worry." He babbled on to Jungkook, going on about random stories, Jungkook listening and taking it in.

"Come on Johnny, I know you want a piece." Jungkook winked at Johnny playfully.

"Well, if you insist. Don't mind if I do." Johnny over exaggerated his walk, walking like a model or some shit to Jungkook, encasing him in a hug.

I looked over to Taehyung, who was stood with a pissed off pout, jealous. I sniggered quietly, catching his attention and receiving a glare.

"You do realise I still exist, right?" Jimin said, trying to catch Johnny's and Taeil's attention.

"Yeah, just forget about your leader guys. Just go to Jungkook, it's fine." Taeyong laughed, faking hurt.

Johnny and Taeil looked at Taeyong for a moment before saying okay and going back to Jungkook.

Taehyung walked over to me and Jin, pouting like a toddler.

"What's wrong with you ppang?" Jin asked, ruffling his hair gently.

"Jungkook isn't giving me any attention, he's stood talking to them two." Taehyung sighed.

"Don't be whiny, he's given you attention all day. He obviously still loves you, he stopped a guy from touching your face by killing him." I said, poking his face.

"Good point. Still." Taehyung carried on his pout, making Jin laugh.

"Okay. Enough reuniting, we need to crack on with this." Taeyong announced, pointing to the numerous dead bodies littering the ground.


"Now, if no one minds, me and Jungkook are going to go resume our nap." Taehyung said with puppy dog eyes.

It's not as if Jungkook would say no, with or without the puppy dog eyes.

"Thank fuck." Jungkook said, coming over to hold Taehyung's hand and going back upstairs.

If it was anyone else, I'd say they'd be going to fuck but those two will definitely go for a nap.

AUTHOR'S NOTE ; when Jin calls Taehyung "ppang", he is calling him bread. it sounds weird but I got the idea from when Taehyung is smiling to the camera and he refers to his cheeks as "like bread."

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