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Taehyung's PoV;

We watched from the dining table as Jungkook groaned, rolling onto his side whilst asleep on the sofa.

"Wow, I thought Yoongi slept a lot." Jin whistled lowly.

"You guys make out that I'm some kind of sloth. I'm tired from the training he makes us do." Yoongi whined, sipping from his coffee.

I smiled as I listened to Jin and Yoongi argue about their sleeping habits, while I stared at the hand holding my cup.

My heart pounded as I saw the diamonds twinkle under the white light that hung above me, providing the entire of the room with faux daylight.

I can't believe I'm going to marry Jeon Jungkook.

All these years I spent preparing myself for a long life of shitty hook ups and one night stands, thinking that I'd never find the love of my life.

It's a good job my mother didn't love me.

Otherwise I would've never met Jungkook.

Everyone's, besides Jungkook, snapped their heads simultaneously towards the sudden frantic banging on the door.

"Jeon Jungkook!" A man shouted desperately, "please help me!"

We all looked at eachother with a face of confusion mixed with concern.

Jungkook rubbed his eyes, squinting at the desperate pleas for help and constant smacking on the door.

"If he hits that any harder, it's gonna fly off the fucking hinges." He muttered, standing and taking his gun out of his holster.

He staggered over sleepily, gesturing for someone to cover Jimin as he walked up to the door.

Jin positioned his body infront of Jimin's, Yoongi standing and covering the both of them with a defensive stature.

Namjoon stood in front of the three, Hoseok a few metres in front of Namjoon and a few metres behind Jungkook.

"Please! Help me!" The guy's voice shouted again in desperation.

I stood next to Hoseok, my hands on my gun which pointed at the doorway.

With a clench of his jaw, Jungkook swung open the door.

He yanked whoever was at the door in, throwing him into the room before slamming the door shut.

He walked over to the man on the floor, glaring at him with his foot pressed to his chest, to restrict movement.

Jungkook went to insult him before his face contorted into a snarl, "Byun Baek-hyun? What the fuck are you doing here?"

"I got attacked when I was o-" Baek-hyun paused to let out a string of coughs, Jungkook cocking a brow in response, "when I was on a drug run."

"I asked you what you were doing here, not what you've being doing today."

"And he chased me through town with a shotgun and a fucking long blade, I swear it was a sword. I know you hate me, and I get why, but I was hoping you'd keep me safe until the guy passed."

"So, you left your friends at home. Alone. Vulnerable."

Baek-hyun shook his head, his eyes filled with fear as he looked up to Jungkook, "they know how to fight. This guy is batshit crazy though. If I may, he reminds me of your fa-"



How the fuck do Baek-hyun and Jungkook know eachother?

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