That Spanish Boy (Sebastian Olzanski)

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Chapter 1.



She's perfect.

I love everything about her. Even the simple little things.

Her name is Brenda. She goes to my school. I doubt she even knows who I am though. I try as laying hi to her when I see her but nothing comes out. It's like if I'm frozen in time.

There was this one time she said hi to me, I ran. idiot.

I was just scared I would say the wrong thing. Maybe something random like pancakes, or even worse, fart.

If I Can go back in time when she said hi, heck I would. I would tell her how beautiful she is, how she makes me feel inside, but I can't. Someone needs to hurry up and make a time machine, like I don't know, NOW.

Well any horse. Yes I said horse. it's almost the end of summer, only like a week away until we start school again. yayy. *note the sarcasm*

To be honest I hate school. why? because I'm not a morning person. If school started later on in the day, I wouldn't have a problem going, but the thing that makes school worse are those boring classes you have to sit in for a freaking hour.

The best part though, is getting to see her. when she smiles, or laughs with her friends. I swear I can see the room light up.

I can't help but get lost when I think of her.

Okay, okay enough talk about her, sadly.

I'm on my way to the park since my mom was giving me a lecture about going out to see the world. Not staying in, on my phone on all these social media things.

I have No problem with the outdoors, I just have nobody to hang out with.

I have friends, we just never hang out. I don't say I'm popular but I'm well known at school. I just don't hang out with people.

I can get pretty crazy at times though. I even get in trouble at school a lot. But Hey, No class for me, since they always kick me out.

I sit on the swing, looking up at the sky just swinging back and forth. it's a beautiful day today. I see an elderly couple sitting on the bench, I think that is their daily routine or something co's every time I come out here, they are sitting on the same bench. I hope that one day I live that long with my wife and still be in love as when we first meet. Not everyone gets that.

I decide on taking a walk around the stores. Somehow I make my way to the mall, it's not far from my house or the park.

I take the escalators up to vans, I need a new pair. I may have a lot of pairs but I like to keep my collection going.

I ask the young girl for a size 11 in a pair of red vans.

"here you go," she smiled. I thank her and try them on. perfect fit.

"I'll take them, thanks." she nods making her way to the cash register.

"you're cute," she smirked. I chuckle. "why thank ya."

I pay her the amount she asked for and make my way out of the mall.

The sun is starting to set so I better get home.

Right when I walk through the door I Can smell my mom's dinner, enchiladas.

I take a piece of chicken only to have my mom smack my hand playfully. I laugh making my way to my room.

I open the vans bag, I see something written on the back of the receipt. Her number.

*call me, christy. (;*

I chuckle and throw the receipt away in the trash.

That Spanish Boy (Sebastian Olzanski & Magcon Boys)Where stories live. Discover now