Its Not Enough.

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Chapter 20.

When we came back from Six Flags, and decided to watch movies the rest of the night.

"I should get going guys," Alexia says stretching.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow? Maybe?" She chuckles gathering her stuff.

"Yes, be careful on your way home." I stand to hug her.

"Stay safe, goodnight." Cam says, also standing.

"I will" she says.

She turns to mahogany who was sound asleep hugging a pillow.

"I won't wake her." Alexia smiles.

"I got her." Cam says picking her up and taking her to the bedroom.

"Goodnight, love you." I say and close the door behind her.

"I'm gonna crash too." Cam says.

"Okay, goodnight." I hug him.

"Goodnight" he replies heading for the door.

"Oh, and Cam?" I stop him.

"Yeah?" He looks at me.

"Thank you for today. I don't know what I would have done if I was stuck here all day. It was nice to get him off my mind for a while." I say.

He smiles walking towards me.

"You can stop saying thanks. Like I said many times already, I would do anything for you. I'm here for you, you know that right?" Cam says.

"Yeah I know, I just can't thank you enough." I say.

"I know, you don't have to say anything. Now get some sleep princess. I love you." He kisses the top of my head.

"I love you." I sigh.
A few minutes later, as I'm browsing though the channels on the television, I get a text message from Shawn.

"Hey, you awake??"

I reply, "Yeah, what's up?"

"Let's go out?"

"It's almost 1 in the morning, Shawn."

"Yeah, so? Don't be a butthole c'mon."

"Okay fine..."

"I'll be at your room in 5 minutes. Get ready."

"Okay." I smile and put my phone down.

I put a cardigan on, and combat boots on. I didn't want to change my outfit because I was pretty comfortable and its late. I mean, what's wrong with leggings, a tank top, and a cardigan?

I heard the door open and Shawn peeks his head in through the door.

"You ready?" He smiles.

"Yes sir." I chuckle.

"Let's go then." He says. I jump off the sofa, get my satchel, wallet and phone and follow Shawn.


"Where are you taking me?" I laugh as Shawn lightly grabs my arm dragging me to who knows where.

"This cool place I found." He smiles.

We then end up to a park that was decorated in fairy lights. There were quite a few people here. It looked like a fair almost.

My phone vibrates in my hand and I looked at the screen only to see a message from Seb yet again, wanting to talk to me.

That Spanish Boy (Sebastian Olzanski & Magcon Boys)Where stories live. Discover now