Chapter 10

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I drive to school and get a call from Nolan. "Hey." I say. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night.

"Hey, what happened with Jay last night?" He asks.

"Nothing, why?" I ask.

"He seems like a wreak." Nolan says and sighs.

"What's up with him, he's been like this for awhile." I say gripping the wheel.

"I don't know, I’ll try to talk to him about it."

"Thanks, man."

"Anytime Jordan." he says and hangs up.


At lunch the team goes and get their lunch. I start to walk up there with JJ and Nolan when two arms wrap around me. "How's my girl doing?" Logan whispers in my ear lightly biting it.

"Good." I say and kiss him. We get our food and sit back in our seats. Jay walks into the lunch room and looks at me. I wave him over to the table but, he shakes his head and sits with the cheerleaders. After school we have no practice and I walk over to Jay. "what's up with you?" I say. He was making out with a cheerleader. Jay isn't the man slut everyone thinks he is. He doesn't kiss random girls.

"I'm in the middle of something!" He says.

"Get lost blonde." I say and push her away. She gives Jay the call me sign. I roll my eyes and walk back over to Jay. "what's up with you?"

"Nothing, I was making out with that chick till you pushed her away! I could have had some fun tonight!" He says and shoves me.

"What happened to you, I thought you cared about me! and when do you go and kiss random chicks!" I yell and shove him back. "What happened to the Jay I knew!"

"You changed him! what happened to the Jordan that didn't want a guy! what happened to the Jordan that was my best friend!" Jay yells and shoves me.

"I thought you wanted me to have a guy!" I scream. The team looks at us but keeps their distance.

"I do!" He yells.

"Then what are you acting like this!" I scream out.

"You should be mine!" He screams. Everyone gasps.

"What do you mean by yours?" I whisper.

"I, I, I want you to be my girlfriend." He says and runs off. Logan walks up beside me. I run away and after Jay. Tears fall down my face.

"Jay!" I yell. He runs to the locker rooms. I inside after him. "why didn't you tell me?"

"You, you like Logan, not me. I would look stupid. I was going to tell you after the game but, you told me you were with Logan. I just, I love you Jordan, if you don't love me like I do you. it's fine." He says. I never thought of liking Jay as a boyfriend or love him like one. yes, I love Jay but, I don't know if I love him that way.

"Can I have some time to think about it?" I ask.

"Take all the time you need." He says. Jay starts to walk out of the locker room.

"Jay?" I say. He stops and looks at me. I walk over to my locker and find the paper flowers.

"You still have them?" He says.

"Before every game, I kiss them. They help me win." I say. When me and Jay was little, He had a baseball cap on and I had long hair in a ponytail. we were about 7, Jay gave me a 3 little paper flowers that says, I love you Jordan Luck. It's been with me ever since.

"I'll see you tomorrow Jordan." Jay says with a smile.


"Hey babe." Logan says and kisses me. "How's my favorite girl!"

"Good." I say and laugh.

"Your laugh is so cute." he says and kisses my nose. We're home right now and Kelly made a friend so she's at her house. Me and Logan are laying in my bed.

"I love you so much." I say smiling.

"I love you more Jordan." Logan says. We lay quietly till my phone rings. "it's Jay." I answer it.


"Hey, can you come over? I need to talk to you." Jay says and I hear loud music in the back ground.

"Yeah, can Logan come too?" I ask. He sighs.

"I guess." Jay says then hangs up.

"What did he wanted?" Logan asks. I get up and grab my jacket.

"He wants me to come over, you can come too." I say. Logan gets up and grabs his jacket. I drive to Jay's house and turn off the car. "Come on." we walk to the door and I knock.

"Hello Jordan!" Jay's younger brother says. He's had a crush on me for about 4 years.

"Hey Michael." I say and hug him. He's in the 9th grade. "Where's Jay?" I ask.

"In his room, who are you?" Michael says looking at Logan.

"Her boyfriend." Logan says smirking and wraps his arm around me.

"Hey." Jay says and looks at me then Logan. "can I talk to you alone for a sec Logan?" Jay says.

"Sure." he says then gives me a quick kiss and walks down the hall with Jay.

"That's not fair!" Michael says letting me in.

"What's not fair?" I ask and sit on the couch.

"You have a boyfriend and it's not me!" He says.

"If I kiss you will you shut up?" I ask.

"Yes!" He says and kisses me. I give him a kiss and cross my arms. "later babe!" I roll my eyes and go to Jays room.

"You like Jordan?" I hear Logan say.

"I'm sorry, I just do. I know she is yours I get that, I just don't want to lose her."

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