Chapter 29

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I go over to Nolan's house after school and we play some pool in his basement. His mom makes us sugar cookies.

"It feels nice just to relax and it be like it used to be." I say and recheck my pool stick.

"Hell yeah." He says. Only me and Nolan know we are going to LSU. He's got a boat load of money.

"Do you think college will break the pack up?" I ask.

"Yeah. I wish I could say no but a lot of the guys don't have that much money. What about Jay? Is he going to Lousiana?" Nolan asks.

"I don't know he said he was going to try but it will be slim to non." I say and sigh.

"Hey, ill still be here!" Nolan says and puts his arm around my shoulder and squeezes I laugh. Now me and Nolan have been friends since we were a baby. His dad is also a NFL player on my dads team. I don't think anything could break us a part. After a few more games of pool and bets I get a call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey Jordan it's Lauren." Fuck.

"What do you want?" I say. I should just hang up now.

"Jay wanted to say Hi." She said.

"Hey baby!" I hear in the background. He's drunk. I hang up my phone and turn it off. No, I'm not even going to think about it!

"Who was that?" Nolan asks.

"Lauren and she has my drunk boyfriend with her."

"What the fuck? why?" Nolan says.

"I don't know and I really don't care I'm trying to have some fun with my friend and she is always there to ruin it." I tell Nolan about what happened at the restaurant

"You slayed that bitch!" Nolan says and high fives me. "Maybe we could have a party tonight?" Nolan says with an evil grin. "but this time. Your getting wasted even if I have to make your drink from a tube."

"No!" I say. I don't drink. I mite have had a little drink once or twice but nothing more.


"Fine. Only this time."


At midnight I can barely stand up straight. Jay is here too. He isn't that drunk. He's had one or two. I've had... I lost track. My mind is all fog. I sit on Jay's lap and lick my lips.

"Your really sexy." I say and giggle.

"Oh really?" He says and winks. I blush.

"I like it when you bite your lip and rub your neck, So sexy." I say. What?! Why did I just say that!?

"What else do you like?" Jay asks.

"When you groan when we have sex. It gets me excited!" I say and rub my hand over his crouch. The vodka is strong stuff. "I wish you could take me on this couch."

"Me too." He say. "Lets go upstairs." I whine.

"I have other ideas!" I say and pull him off the couch. We run to Nolan's backyard and I get to the end of the dock.

"Baby,Your drunk you can't swim." Jay says and grabs my hand.

"Your no fun!" I whine.

"I'm not just your boyfriend I'm also your friend and I don't think it's a good idea." Jay says pulling me back. I cross my arms and and huff.

"Whine all you want." He says.

"I'm horny!" I whine.

"To bad." He says taking me to the house.

"Your don't want to have sex?" I asks and My eyes start to water.

"It's not that-." I him off by crying.

"Baby stop crying." He says.

"Lets go home." He says. I get in his truck and giggle at the picture of me on his dashboard. "You like that?"

I nod. "Do you really love me?" I ask before he starts the truck.

"Why would you ask that? Of course I do."

"Do you think we will get married? Try to have a family." I ask.

"I don't know." He says. I fall asleep on the way home.

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