Chapter 27

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You know when your a kid and you get a present for your birthday. Your parents hug you and then you open it up. Then a Scary clown jumps out at you.

Okay maybe that has never happened to you but, That's my life. It tricks me into thinking everything will be okay then jumps on me. No matter what I do. I get jumped on!

I want to give Jay the kid he wants and should have. Is there something I could do to stop this? Break up with Jay so he can get the right girl to give him a baby? I just can't bring myself to do it. I lay face first on my bed. I cuddle my pillow and think. my phone buzzes.

Hey are you okay?

It's from Jay

I'm fine

Why am I lying to him?

Is it about the baby thing?

Why must he make this hard?

I said I'm fine

I don't reply anymore and sit my phone on my nightstand. It buzzes and buzzes. Then calls. Voicemails. Hundred of texts.

I hug my legs close to my chest. I need something to get me out of this funk. I grab my phone and my car keys. I'm going to Jay's. I walk out my front door and lock it. I drive to his house and I look at my phone.

Answer me please!

I know you are still awake!

Answer me!


I drive into his driveway and walk up to the little door. I text him back.

Open your door

A minute later it opens.

"Why haven't you answer any-." I cut him off by kissing him hard on the lips. He pulls me into the house and pushes me on the wall. I close the door and lock it.

"I want you." I whisper.

"Fuck." He whispers. I put my arms around his neck and he lefts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. His hand sit my ass and his other hand unbuttons my shorts.

"Are we going to have sex in the middle of the fucking hallway?!" I whisper/yell. The hallway light turns on and his mom stands there.

"I um." I say and drop down from Jay and button my pants.

"Mom we weren't-." she cuts him off.

"Aren't you two dating now?" She asks.

"Yeah." I say.

"I knew you two would get together!" His mom squeals. "your perfect for each other!" I blush and lean into Jay.

"I know." Jay whispers in my ear.

"Just go back to what you were doing!" She says and turns out the light and walks into her room shutting the door. We walk into his room and I shut the door.

"I still really want you." I whisper and sit on his bed.

"Oh really?" He says and smirks. He turns on the lamp. "I want to see your face as I fuck you so hard." He says getting on top of me. I take off his shirt and rake my nails down his back. He groans and bites his lip. He takes of my shirt and lefts me up to unhook my bra. His hands hold my boobs and he sucks my neck. "I want everyone to see that." He says.

"Fuck." I whisper. Jay grinds on me and I moan. I take off his pants and he kicks them off the rest of the way. I see that he's hard and I can't help but moan. I arch my back so his crouch touches me as I take off his boxers.

"Do you think my mom would be mad if I had you screaming?" Jay asks me.

"Lets find out." I say. He pushes off my shorts and my underwear. He teases me. I grab his cock and put it in my mouth. I lick around it and suck. He moans. He lays me on my back. I feel him enter me. I moan and throw my head back. My eyes meet his as He goes in an out of me. It's the best feeling ever. He goes fast and I scream. "Jay!" I feel so close. I rake my nails down his back again and he moans.

"I'm about to-." he cuts himself off. His phone ring. "Forget about it." He says. The noise gets louder. He pulls out of me and cums all over my chest. I cum onto his sheets and go limp. He does to and lays next to me. I can't breath. He holds me close to his chest. His phone rings again. I grab it and look. Lauren? why is Lauren calling Jay at this hour? I hand it to him.

"Answer it and put it on speaker." I growl. He answers it.

"Hello?" He says.

"Why haven't you been answering me?" Lauren asks. He looks at me.

"Don't tell her I'm here." I mouth.

"I'm helping my mom." He lies.

"Can I come over and help you?" She asks.

"Why?" Jay asks.

"Because, Maybe we could do something after." She hints. That's it.

"You little fucking bitch!" I yell.

"Jordan?!" She yells.

"Yeah I'm here! Don't hint to my fucking boyfriend to have sex with you!" I yell into the phone.

"Why are you with Jay?" She asks.

"Because he's my boyfriend!" I yell. My blood boils.

"Who do you want as your girlfriend? Me? or a weird girl football player?" Lauren asks.

"My weird girl football player." Jay says and kisses me.

"But she's not even pretty! I mean! Just look at her! She has nothing like I have!" Lauren yells into the phone.

"I am looking at her. I can see my jizz all over her too." Jay says and try's not to laugh.

"Your lying." Lauren says.

"No. I'm looking at her naked body." Jay says and rubs my thigh. I hang up the phone.

"I don't know why she would even think I would choose her over my girl." Jay says. "She's a bitch." I laugh.

"Yes she is." I say. We cuddle in bed and I wish we could stay like this forever. He kisses my forehead.

"You are all I have now."

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