Chapter 30

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I wake up with a really bad headache. Jay walks in with pills and water.

"Here." He says. I take the pills and wash them down with the water. "You got sick all night last night." He says.

"I'm sorry." I say.

"It's fine. I like taking care of you. Even thought you got sick on me last night." he chuckles and kisses me.

"Oops." I say. "Did you get sick?" I ask.

"Once that's it." He says. "You called me a wimp. Then got sick on the floor." He says laying next to me.

"That seems like something I would do." I say and giggle. I lay there looking into his eyes. It seems like time as stopped and we are the only people.

"Can I ask you something?" Jay asks.

"You just did."



"Would you ever date Nolan?" He asks.

"No." I say.


"He's my brother! It's not like you and me. We grew up together like brother and sister it would so weird to date him." I say and shiver.

"Oh." He says. "what are you going to be for Halloween?" He's changing the subject.

"I don't know." I say.

"Sexy cop?" Jay asks.

"No." I say and laugh.


Our school host a Halloween party every year. grade k-12 can come. I got my costume a few days ago and I hope Jay likes it. It's nothing fancy. I drive to the high school and park my car. I see a lot of little kids and high schoolers. Guys don't really dress up mostly the girls do. I get out of my car and I get a few looks from guys. I make sure I have my phone and I start walking to the school.

"I can't find my mommy." I hear a little kid say. I turn around and there's a little girl behind me. I bend down.

"Ill help you, what does she look like?" I ask. The little girl must be in 1st.

"She has blond hair and blue eyes." I hold the little girls hand till I hear a yell from a woman.

"Mommy!" The little girl yells. She runs to her mom and they hug.

"Thank you. I thought she was gone!" The woman says.

"Your welcome." I say and smile. I walk back to the sidewalk and start for the door.

I walk through the doors and it seems like everyone looks at me.

"Wow." I hear a few guys say. All I'm wearing is a short dark purple dress and a princess crown with dark purple flats. I see Jay. He is pushing his way through the crowd.

"You look.. beautiful." Jay says and grabs both my hands. I blush.

"It's nothing really." I say.

"Most girls came in here with Everything out, not one guy looked that them. Then you walked in. Everyone looked at you. my little princess." Jay says and kisses me.

"Jay! Little kids are here!" I say.

"It's not like I grabbed your ass. Which I'm about to. That dress though." Jay says putting his arm around me. We find the team and they make me spin around.

"Nice." Alex says.

"I know and it's all mine." Jay says and grabs my ass. I jump and look at him.

"I couldn't help myself." Jay says and smirks. Everyone starts dancing around. Mostly the High schoolers. I see a group of 8th grade boys sitting in the corner. I walk over to them.

"What? You guys are too cool to dance?" I ask.

"No" One says and checks me out.

"Ugh, Boys." I roll my eyes." Oh by the way, the guys that sit out at dances usually are lest likely to get a girlfriend." I lie. It gets them to dance though. Me and Jay walk to the lunch room and there's punch, Cookies, cupcakes. I grab one of the cookies shaped like a ghost and start eating it. Most of the little kids and all the parents are in here. The kids run around laughing and smiling.

"This dress is killing me and you know it." Jay whispers in my ear and I giggle. "I've seen you naked, knowing what's under is breaking me." I pull him to one of the booths that we have inside the lunchroom and I cuddle up next to him. Jay is just in his football jersey and jeans. Friday is the big game to know if we go to state. I see a girl walking over to us.

"Kelly!" I yell and jump up. I hug her tightly.

"You look so pretty Jordan!" Kelly says. Logan is behind her. I hug him too. Jay stands up behind me.

"Jay this is Kelly, Logan's little sister. Kelly this is Jay my boyfriend." I say and Jay puts his arm around me.

"You guys look so cute together!" Kelly says.

"Yeah." Logan whispers.

"Thanks." Jay says.

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