Chapter 19

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I groan waking up. Where am I? I look around still not knowing that well. Why am I in a fucking hotel room? Oh, Dad's game. I get out of bed and my body goes warm to cold. I slept in my clothes. I take off my shirt and jeans and grab a new t-shirt and a pair of shorts. I look at my phone and see a few text messages from Jay and two phone calls from him also.

I don't feel like calling him. I keep back tracking from where I want and need to be. Does any of the other guys like me? I bite my lip. I don't know if I want to know. I call Alex hoping he will tell me the truth.

"What are you blind Jordan?! You're hot as hell and you don't think any of us other than Jay would have a crush on you?!" Alex almost screams in my ear. This isn't what I wanted to hear at all.

"Even you?" I whisper.

"Yeah." He says. "The Whloe team as dreamed about dating or fucking you." He says. I shiver. Yeah, my teammates aren't bad looking but I would never date any of them other than Jay.

"Thanks for telling me." I say and hang up. I run my finger through my hair. Practice is just going to get more and more akward for me.


Friday comes to fast. I walk into the change room and everyone looks at me. I just go over to my normal spot and change. I thrown away all of my push up bras and I'm left with normal ones and sport. I look over at Jay that is looking at all the guys..... Watching me. "Hey." I say awkwardly and rock on my heels.

"Nice to see you." JJ says with a smile. I walk over to him and throw an arm around his shoulder.

"Nice to see you too bud." I say forgetting everything that has happened so far with the guys. The guys just look at me.

"Your not mad anymore?" Nolan asks.

"Nope." I say and finish getting dressed and grab my helmet. "See ya in the field." I yell running out the door. I go over to couch and he smiles.

"My girl is back." He says once I'm closer.

"Yup and I'm not leaving again!" I yell over the crowd that's forming. a girl runs down the bleachers and runs over to me.

"Can I have a picture with you!? I want to be just like you!" She says smiling. I laugh and bend down and I smile. she smiles too and takes the picture. I hug her and she runs off.

"Jordan Luck?" I hear a mans voice ask behind me.

"Yes?" I say turning around.

"I'm the head couch for the LSU football team and I would like to watch you play to see if you were good for our team, your friend Harry, I think that's what his name is called saying you were the best player around!" He says.

"Yes sit you won't be unhappy I promise." I say and run to the center field. I look at Harry and smile. He winks and me and looks into the crowd of people. I put on my helmet and everything else is gone. I hear no screaming fans. No boyfriend. Just me and the ball.

Lucky for me, I'll be the new QB for the LSU Football star when college starts.

(I know it's a short chapter but I wanted to leave off on a little Clift hanger I hope you like it (: )

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