1 | Lost

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"Emily, please just say something, anything" Rose begs as she sits on the edge of my bed. She places her hand on top of mine and I can feel her eyes on mine but I can't look at her. I can't look at anyone right now. I just did not want to deal with anything or anyone anymore. The girls come over to check on me everyday after school, hoping they would get something out of me. But, I don't think they will be getting anything from me anytime soon.

"Please, Emily" Rose says once again. Rose Collins is the most caring in our friend group. She is genuine and she is honest when you want her to be. She tells you the things that you want to hear, even if you don't want to hear it.

"At least eat something, I can make you a sandwich or order you take out?" Dani says as she stands at the edge of my bed but I don't move or say anything. There is nothing my friends can do that will make me say or do anything. I lost myself the night Maddie went missing. 

Danielle Harper is the smartest in our friend group. She keeps things real and is an incredibly straight forward person. She is a great listener and gives the best advice, but right now, her advice is not what I need. Neither Dani or Rose can give me what I need and I think that they both are aware of that.

"Emily, you are going to have to move on. You can't just lock yourself in your own room, it's not healthy" Dani states as she sits across from me hoping to meet my gaze but I just turn away from her. Dani has been trying to get me out of my room, doing literally anything she can, but it's no use.

It has been one year since Madison Monroe went missing. She was my best friend, she understood me better than anyone else and I loved her in ways that I shouldn't but, you can't help who you fall in love with. I know that the girls have been wondering why I've been taking her disappearance the hardest, it's because I loved her but I couldn't tell them that, I couldn't tell anyone.

"She's dead isn't she?" I finally say, my mouth dry and my throat scratchy, "that's why the police stopped looking, right?" I can feel the tension in the room begin to rise and Dani was the first to speak.

"We don't know that yet, Em. No one knows that for sure" Dani says, as she spoke slowly, "the police have a lot of leads-"

"Then why haven't they found her yet? Why isn't she home?" I ask with tears slowly rolling down my cheek. No one said anything, but why would they? They know the exact same things I know. 

"I miss her.... I miss her so much" I sob into Rose's shoulder. 

"We know, Em, we know" Rose says soothingly as she wraps her arms around me. I have spent a lot of time crying and trying to accept the fact that Maddie may never come back. I know that I have been pulling away from everyone, my parents, the girls, literally everyone that I cared about. I just wanted to know when Maddie would come home, that is all I could ever want

Rose and Dani left my room to get me something to eat from the kitchen, but just outside my room they were talking and of course, they were talking about me, "what are we going to do about Emily? She's a mess" Rose says.

"I don't know but I can't stand seeing her like this... I mean today is the first time in months I've heard her speak" Dani says with a sigh.

"I feel like there's nothing we can do to help her anymore... she's gone, just like Maddie" Rose says.

"Maddie!" Dani hisses, "we are not just going to give up on her like that. We both know her better than anyone else in this town, she's strong, she's a fighter, she will get past this... For now, the least we can do is be there for her" 

I wiped my tears with the back of my hand as their voices dissappeared down the hall. They weren't wrong about me. They did lose me the same night we lost Maddie. 


Hey guys! My name is Hannah and this is not my first time on Wattpad. I have been @myfallingstars co-writer for a while and I have written quite a lot of chapters in her stories. 

I really do suck at writing introductions but I've had this story line stuck in my head for such a long time, I figured it was time to put it all down on virtual paper and make it into a story, so I really hope you all enjoy reading it!

Leave your thoughts below! And don't forget to vote!

All the love,


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