VI: Secret

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The next day I woke up and like usual, I stayed home working out.. I had weights and a speaker.. and it was all I needed.. I was a diabetic so I had to be careful with my body and keeping it in shape made me feel healthy.. After working out I went outside to buy some things for Alena and I to lunch.. I really didn't want to order in..

After that I came back home and started making our food.. I knew she loved fries so I decided to make my niece's favorite meal.. when it was time to go pick her up, I was already finished

I went down and picked up a bus to her primary school.. I was excited to spend the afternoon with the little girl.. I really loved my nieces and I would give them anything they ever wanted.. it's true, I spoil them, but I don't care.. my brother did an amazing job raising them so I wanted to reward the person they were becoming every once in a while

I walked down from the bus stop and into the front of the school.. I didn't really know what to expect, but what I ended finding out, was far beyond any expectations..

I walked up to the counter - Hello.. I'm Nick Jonas.. I'm here for Alena..

- Oh yes Mr. Jonas, it's just down that hallway - the lady smiled at me

I walked down the halway and knocked on the door that said "6 years old".. I leaned in and peaked seeing the kids looking at me.. some tables were already empty but there were a few kids still in the room

- Uncle Nick! - Alena screeched making me smile..

- Surprise! - I say hugging the little girl back

Her teacher came closer to us and started talking to me about her.. her name was Miss Gomez and she appeared to have my age.. she asked why wasn't Kevin picking her up.. the normal suspicious things..

I walked further inside and Alena pulled me towards a girl - Uncle Nick, this is my best friend Elle!

I smiled at the shy little girl - Hi! How are you?

- I'm good- she smiled adorable - You're tall!

I chuckled and leaned down - How about now? - I asked

- Now you're small - she said in a giggle as Alena also laughed with her

- You're silly - Alena said hugging me

We played a little with Elle since Alena refused to let her go until her mother came.. the thing is, an hour passed by and her mom was still nowhere to be found

- Elle, do you want me to take you home? - I asked as I watched the little girl do a braid on Alena's hair

- No.. my mommy is almost here..

- Is she normally this late?

Elle nodded and kept braiding Alena's hair until Miss Gomez called Elle out.. My eyes widened as I saw the girl stand up and run out the door

- Rafaela Lovato, your mom is outside! - Miss Gomez shouted

I stood up and peaked through the door seeing Demi walk inside and picking Elle up.. I was surprised to say the least.. Demi was a mom?

I kept looking at them interact and my heart melted.. they were adorable together.. Demi was wearing a uniform and she looked like a mess.. her hair was tied up but it was all falling down.. by the logo imprinted on her uniform it seemed like she worked at a pretty famous cafe from here..

Two jobs and a daughter?.. No wonder she's exhausted..

They both left while I processed everything going through my mind.. That explains why she always was so eager to get home..

- Uncle Nick?

I looked down at Alena as she adjusted her backpack.. right.. lets go home..

I spent the entire afternoon with my niece until Kevin came to pick her up.. Once the door closed, I put on my uniform and went to work.. feeling a little excited to go today..

And just like any other day, Demi and Joe were already there.. I asked Joe if he could buy me some time and he got excited.. he probably thought I was gonna make a move on her..

But that wasn't the case..

He went out the back and I went to the counter to where Demi was staying.. she looked exhausted.. so I decided to touch the subject..

- So.. what has you so tired you can't even keep your eyes up? Is it perhaps.. a place called Domino Cafe?

Demi looked at me and started chuckling - Wow detective.. have you been following me?

I chuckled - No! I can promise you that..

- I hate that place.. I always come out of there completely done.. I go home and.. - she stopped for a while and I looked back up from the glass

- Demi?

She snapped out of her thoughts - Oh.. sorry.. what did you say?

- You were talking..

- Was I? - she asked lifting up her glass

I get it.. she doesn't want to talk about it huh? I walked around the counter and took a deep breath.. I'm going to do it aren't I?

I went up the stage - Demi.. listen.. hum..

She looked at me and frowned - You've been thinking?..

- Yes.. listen.. yester-

- Oh.. right.. - she interrupted - listen, I'm not looking for a relationship.. so..

I closed my mouth and clenched my jaw.. Really?..

She kept talking though.. - I'm sorry if it seemed like it was going to develope into something else.. it really wasn't my intention.. I just.. I don't want to have any kind of relationship.. much less with you..

- Much less with me? - I asked now feeling hurt by the words leaving her mouth

- Yeah.. I mean.. I don't see you as the type of guy I would ever date..

I sucked my lips in and chuckled shaking my head - Wow.. - I started - I was going to ask you if you wanted to sing with me.. but I guess not.. - I said to her in a harsh tone before turning around and going towards the door

- Nick I didn't..

- I get it Demi.. Don't worry.. I'll never speak to you again or make it seem like I'm persuing you..

- Nick..

I opened the door and put on a fake smile as even while I started feeling like my heart was starting to be completely torned apart.. I watched people pass by me and then my eyes went towards Demi who was looking at me like she fucked something up

That night was though to go through.. even tougher when Demi started singing beautifully like she always does.. I did everything I could to avoid her, including going home earlier

I left the keys to the bar on the counter, picked up my coat and left

Sing Sing Sing (Nick & Demi) (Nemi)Where stories live. Discover now