YouTube Byler; 2

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Which Mike decided to go live. It's part two of the YouTube Byler. I really like this series

  Mike leaned his phone against a little easel Will had bought for his livestreams. He went on instagram and went camera and switched to live-streaming. He watched his phone

3,2,1, you are now live

  Mike watched as vpeople began to join, asking questions and greeting him. "Hey guys I was bored and Will is taking a nap. My baby boy had a pretty bad nightmare and barely got any sleep so he's doing that." Mike smiled, not wanting to be very loud. He grinned more when people started to comment nice things and get better soon Will. "So yeah. Ask questions and I'll answer then."?

"How did you know you loved Will?"
"Is Will okay?"
"Can you show us one of his paintings?"
"When Will wakes up can he ask some of our questions?"
"Does he support you in your dreams just as you support him?"
"Do y'all have sex together?"
"Are y'all married?"
"Do you plan to have any kids later in the future?"

"I just always knew Will was mine.
He is okay from what his doctors have told me.
Yeah I can,
I'll try to convince him. He doesn't really like livestreams,
He does support me. Actually Will was the one to buy me the laptop and camera. I'm the one who spoils him. I get him new paints, brushes, and canvas for him. He's my baby boy and deserves to be happy.
That shall be kept private." Mike winked as the live as he fans went crazy.
"Okay Umm are we married? No but I'm planning to make him Mrs. Wheeler." Mike smiled happily, as he drank some water. He chugged some before turning his attention back to the camera. "Do we plan to have kids? I know Will wants a kid. I'm just not sure yet." Mike's head shot up as he heard something from the bedroom.

"I'll be back. I need to check on Will," the older boy said standing up from his chair and walking to the bedroom. Will was on the floor, crying his eyes out. "Will are you okay?" Mike asked opening the door. His heart broke at the sight of this. Will looked up at him. Mike sat down and pulled Will to his lap, hugging the smaller boy. Will leaned his head against Mike's. Will sighed happily as he felt a pair of lips on his neck. "M-Mike..." he moaned out

"And we are back! Will is awake and calm." Mike said at he sat back down, Will was in the background getting water. A hickey was at his neck. Mike thought his fans wouldn't notice. But they did. Will sat down with Mike. Will was wearing a sweater of Mike's. "Will the fans are asking if you want kids with me." Will looked up at Mike, before giving him a small nod. "It would be nice to have a little girl." Mike nodded.

Can you tell I'm running out of ideas? Please request something; just no smut

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