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YEAR 2016

Arnav and Khushi had been in a relationship for couple of years before they mutually broke-up because of their day to day rattle, arguments and stuffs.

They had come to a conclusion that they have no understanding towards each other and therefore there is no need to drag the relationship further which was becoming a burden for both of them.

So,considering that they dont have a future together they had decided to break-up.

Followed one year was quite relaxing for both of them being away of all those quarrels and all those being too possessive kind of stuffs.

They were literally having a gala time without each other. They were just so bored with all what they shared.

There was nothing new to talk, nothing new to share.It was just that there was always someone to listen to their problems and then suggest a path or just hold on to each other at low times, which was becoming so common for them.

Khushi was just everytime so much available to Arnav whenever he wanted and would receive her calls within just 2-3 rings and then start-up with her daily routines or some gossips which although didn't irritate him but had no interest in it as well but then if she would be unavailable he would go restless. Quite obvious for a boyfriend, Right?

She was very funny for her friends who couldnt stop laughing in her presemce but was unable to be a reason for a smile or laugh for him and it hurted her the most. Arnav didn't do it deliberately but he didn't help in it as well.

Moreover she was just so immature, blabbering, loud, childish and filmy, notot practical at all.She was just in a fairy tale where she thought everything would be good for everyone.Upon that her superstitions, negative thoughts and illness illusion. Although she was perfect in many ways, she carried many flaws which Arnav hardly voiced out but these had started drawing them apart mentally. She was way too clingy and possessive with her sweet tone and weird nature. She was a weak girl who was even making him, a passionate, career oriented man weak too and that was the basic reason why Arnav had started ignoring her and thus leading to her constant nagging and bickering.

For Khushi, Arnav was the Man. She simply adored him. Handsome, loyal, loving, caring, romantic and most importantly passionate for everything he did. His passion was the ultimate quality which made him different and attracted her the most. So much so that she fell in love with him.But thing didn't go well after he stopped sharing his feelings or anything happening around him. He had shifted to another city and hence the calls had been decreased tremendously in comparison to earlier.It planted seeds of insecurity in her. She was not weak but the circumstances had portrayed her like that. She had a fire inside her but she never let it out and hence all her negative thoughts, illness illusion could be seen more as her character.

Arnav, being an introvert was not so used to voice out his feelings and it irked Khushi who had grown up dreaming about all cliche, cheesy stuffs.She nagged him, a practical person for that, as a result irritating him.

Its not like Arnav didn't try to put some practical and mature thoughts in Khushi's mind and it did worked to a great extent as well but only with time that too with a very slow pace.

Result- Irkness of Arnav increased.Ofcourse! A human has his limits, for everything.Its quiet natural and obvious.

But then, like Khushi's romantic TV serials or novels heroes, shouldn't he put more or rather say every effort to bring her out of it and well the same goes for Khushi as well as he too was going through really tough phase for his career with zero guidance with added no financial support.

Moreover, as he thought that Khushi isn't able to understand him. He had stopped sharing his worries too.

They loved each other, no doubt on that but with so much complications that too during the pivotal phase of career, life, How would anyone handle all these complications which added to the worries?

They couldn't hurt each other nor could destroy themselves. So they mutually took a decision. A decision to stay apart for their very own benefit.

Although they had decided to be in touch and followed it too but then life and career demanded more focus and time which led to less and then barely contact between them which was pretty okk for both as they considered that they were not meant to be.

But their post break-up enjoyment came for a limited span of time because after one year they started feeling something amiss admist everything they had.

No, They didn't miss each other because it had been quite time they had last contacted.So, It wasn't like they were falling for each other again but both of them couldn't decide what exactly it was that was not at its place.Why a permanent void with a stinging painful sensation had resided in their heart? Why? They just couldnt solve this puzzle. So slowly with time they started adjusting with that painful void and carried on their life.

One more year had passed and they were now habituated of it. They had made peace with it. Khushi had become a reputed officer in the country's administration. Yes, She was quite intelligent and being with Arnav had made her passionate as well. She always chuckled remembering how Arnav used to be angry and irked whenever she avoided her studies or couldn't clear any of those exams. He was just so concerned for her career and wanted her to be independent.He was not at all of those MCPS.He adored his woman as independent and confident and it was also listed on those list which irked Arnav as Khushi had become quiet lazy for studies lately.Now she imagines how would he react when he will get to know that she did it. He would be very proud and happy.She can bet on that.
On the other hand, completing his CA, Arnav had opened his firm as he always dreamt. Yes, He is a man who had the power not only to chase his dream but turn it into reality and then construct his victory palace over it still not leaving the roots. He also imagined how Khushi would react seeing his success which is increasing day by day.She would be very proud and happy that she would literally do her happy dance. He can bet on that.

But there the actual question and concern arises. Will they ever meet?
If yes, Then how it would be?
Bitter or Sweet?

Join in to know folks..

To be continued..

Yes.. M yet again here with a new story but a very short one.. Its a five shot.. And if got the love and support then will be completed within week..

So.. Do tell me your views regarding this new story.. I know I have many stories pending to update but couldn't help from posting it when it came to my mind..

Hope you will support it as well..

And don't worry.. I will be regular with my other stories as well..

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