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Arnav saw Khushi's eyes tearing up and at once he panicked.. Hurriedly reaching towards her.. He tried to calm her without an ounce of knowledge of her reason of crying.. The reason doesn't matter.. What matters and pained him was that his babe.. His Khushi is crying..

Sshhh.. Khush.. Don't cry please.. If you don't want to talk.. I will just go from here..

As soon as Arnav turned to leave he heard loud crying of her..

What the..

He turned towards her flabbergasted.. Why the hell is she crying now?

This crazy Khushi of his..

Yes His.. Because no matter what she is and will always be His..

He would definitely provide her with needed space and time to cope up with whatever issue she is having but then he won't take a no for their forever together as he very well know this is what they now 'mutually' want..

Why are you crying now? He asked cupping his face..

Khushi wiped her tears and with a tinge of pain said.. You are leaving me again.. Making Arnav go panic..

He thought she wanted that.. But was surprised to know that it is the reason for her crying..

But you only wanted so.. He said being a bit confused..

Khushi looked at him with anger and then giving him a slight push on his chest she literally shouted-

Did I say that?

And then slapping his chest hard making him frown and hiss an Aauuu.. complained-

How can you be so judgemental?

Arnav held her hand gently in his with a sheepish smile and puppy face while she said-

See.. This is where the actual problem lies..

Arnav met her eyes understanding what she meant.. Even he would agree to it.. And he was actually sad that he couldn't understand it still and happy that his Khush is now matured enough to understand that..

He saw Khushi's pain reflecting eyes and he allowed her to speak whatever was in her heart.. If she wants to vent it out.. So be it.. He would listen to everything maintaining his calm and keeping ASR at bay..

And once he was done with his self-talk.. His eyes looked at Khushi who was eyeing him angrily and was frantically blinking her eye lashes..

Its not about our equation.. Our understanding or our love..

It has nothing to do with our break-up..

Because the actual reason for our break-up was both of us being judgemental..

He too realised the truth in her words.. She was so right.. They were always understanding and the real problem in their relationship was that somehow.. somewhere they were bring so judgmental regarding each other and their relationship that it gobbled up their senses leading them to take such a hasty.. Awful decision

Khushi looked at an equal hurt and guilty Arnav and with frustation pushed him on his chest and kept doing it till his back collided with the wall behind..

She clutched his lapels with her palms and literally shaking him with rage asked-

You always say that you know everything.. You can almost read the thoughts of a person from their facial and body language.. Right?

But then what happened to you in our case?

How could not you understand my feelings?

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