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Hope's POV

Jen woke me up by kissing my forehead. She smiled as I sat up and tossed me my bag. I smiled back and she left to get herself ready. I jumped into the shower, then threw on clothes and covered bruises on my arms with makeup. I hoped none of them would scar, then I'd have to explain why I all of a sudden had a scar that wasn't there before. Jen came into my room right after I finished covering the last one, and was putting it away. She was wearing a nice dress and looked really nice. I knew she would have a lot of pictures taken and interviews. I was nervous, because I agreed to come with her on a couple things, and I looked so normal. She tossed me a dress and tilted my head.

"How did you get my size?" I asked.

"Magic. I thought you might need one." She replied. I laughed and went into the bathroom to change. The dress showed a purple bruise just below my collarbone.

"Jen, promise not to freak out on me please." I yelled through the door. "I'm serious, not a word."

"I won't do anything." She promised. I walked out of the bathroom and she gasped.

"You promised." I reminded her.

"I thought that was about the dress, so deal with it. I'm guessing there are more.

"I'll show you later, I'd have to take off the makeup, and I don't want to do it again." I explained quickly. She sighed and agreed. She ran her fingers over it and I winced. She sighed again and kissed my cheek.

"Wait here." She said, then walked into the hall. She poked her head inside. "Can Lana come in?" She asked. I nodded. Now that Jen knew, she would find out eventually. Lana came in with a cup of ic that I guessed was from the ice machine by the elevator. Lana bit her lip and handed me the cup. I placed it on the bruise and my cracked phone dinged.


Welcome my baby girl Hope to the family. She not be a baby but she's my baby. Tell her how beautiful she is.

I rolled my eyes and liked the tweet, setting down my phone

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I rolled my eyes and liked the tweet, setting down my phone. Jen entered the room, looking proud of herself. Lana laughed at her, setting her phone down, too.

"I'm gonna do your hair, Hope." Lana announced.

"Go for it." I replied. Jen kissed my forehead before heading into her room for something. My phone started dinging like crazy.

bexmader is now following you

jennifermorrisonlive tagged you in a post:

My Hope has a pretty great name, right @Hope_Mills?

LanaParilla is now following you.

Lana Parilla liked a post you're tagged in.

emiliederavin retweeted your tweet

"Calm the twitters!" I yelled jokingly. Lana giggled and started doing a dutch braid in my hair.

"Hey, Hope! Wanna wear Emma's jacket?" Jen yelled.

"What do you think?! I yelled back. Jen came back in and set down the jacket on the bed. She grabbed my bag and dug out my make up. The water from the cup smudged another bruise right on my collarbone. That one hurts to do. Jen began to apply makeup to the bruises, which hurt less because they were still a little numb from the ice. Lana finished the dutch braid and pinned the end up, then did the other side. I scrunched up my face as Jen pushed a little too hard on the bruise.

"Sorry." She said, pulling her hand away.

"I'm fine, just make sure it's covered please. I don't want to show up at comic con looking like I got beat up." I replied. Jen smiled and finished the make up as gently as she could. Lana pinned the second braid to my head and I was finally allowed to stand.

"Try these on." Jen said, handing me a pair of heels. I put one on and it fit perfectly.

"I can marry my prince." I joked. Jen put on her own shoes and grabbed her bag. I took my mom's songbook and a pen from my bag, and threw on the leather jacket. It was big, but Jen thought it was adorable, so I wore it. I stuck my phone in a pocket, and I decided to leave the songbook. I set it on my pillow and left it. It usually stayed in the same building as me, because I was scared to leave it. It made me feel close to my mom when I played her songs. Jen wrapped an arm aroud my shoulders and we met everyone in the hall. Colin had a guitar, and he smiled at me.

"Maybe you can play a bit later." He winked. I nodded and Jenkissed my head. She reminded me so much of my mom.

"Is that Emma's jacket?" Jared asked.

"Yeah, Jen let me wear it." I replied.

"Looks good on you." He smiled.

"Oh. Thanks." I awkwardly looked down at my feet. My phone went off again in my pocket.

Taylor: Hey where've you been

Me: I got moved. Check Jennifer Morrison's twitter.

Taylor: No way. You left me for fame.

Me: NO!!! I thought it was for a week and then she wanted to adopt me and you know how long I've wanted a home. It's not like that Taylor.

Taylor: Sure it's not.  I'll talk to you later, first period.

Me: I'm sorry. I love you.

I shoved my phone in my pocket, staring straight ahead. Bex and Lana were laughing as usual, Jared was whispering to Josh, and Jen was making fun of Colin. It was a normal day for the cast of Once Upon a Time. Not at all normal for Hope Mills, though. Emilie seemed to be watching me carefully, but she didn't want to say anything. Jen looked down at me and I faked a smile, then laughed at something Bex said.

"Hope, what's wrong?" Emilie asked.

"I either got dumped or ignored. I know school doesn't start for a half hour and they said 'I'll talk to you later, first period.' I don't know what to do." I sighed.

"That sucks. I'm sorry." She replied. I shrugged, looking back down at my feet. We finally made it to the convention center, and to a little room that we could hang out in between interviews and things. I pulled out my phone and stared at the lock screen. It was a picture of Taylor kissing my sheek and I was laughing. It was taken right before a dance, and we were wearing our nicest clothes. Jen sat next to me and I shut off my phone.

"What's up?" She asked.

"Nothing, just thinking about someone." I reply.

"Special someone? What's his name?" Jen asked.

"Her name's Taylor."

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