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That weekend, the cast was gathered in the lobby of the hotel. They were going to return Jen's rental car and meet at the airport in less than an hour. Hope was going to trade sears with Emilie to sit with Jen, and Bex was trading with Colin so she could sit with Lana and he could join Hope and Jen. Bailee was in front of the little family, stuck by Bex and Lana. Luckily, they gave both her and Hope isle seats, so they could get up easiest. Lana and Bex were going to sleep the short flight, and so were Jen and Colin. Hope knew she wouldn't sleep with all the haunting memories of planes imbedded in her brain.

"Hope? Earth to Hope! Hope Regina Mills!" Jen waved a hand in front of her daughter's face.

"How'd you know my middle name?" Hope asked. Jen laughed as Lana gasped.

"I was joking!" Jen explained. Hope crosses her arms and shook her head.

"Haven't looked in my file yet? Good. Don't. Nothing good in there." Hope nodded. Jen tilted her head and crossed her arms, wondering why Hope wouldn't want her looking in he file. It was just disciplinary things, family's names, and her birthday, right? Jen decided it was best to keep quiet and dropped her questioning stare. True small group made their way out of the hotel, Josh, Jared, and Colin were taking a taxi. Emilie, Lana, Bex, Jen, Hope, and Bailee were taking back the rental car back. They crammed in the car, Hope crammed between Lana and Emilie again, and Bailee stuck in the small middle seat of the front in between Jen and Bex. They barely all fit in the car, though it was funny. The rental car place was right by the airport, so as Jen returned the car, the rest of the group continued on to the airport. They wouldn't have gone if Jen hadn't insisted, but she had, being stubborn and helpful Jennifer Morrison. Hope was weirded out by the staff calling her a Morrison, but she guessed that was almost her name. There were a few fans that wanted pictures, though Hope tried to avoid them. They ended up catching her behind her aunts and girlfriend and asking for autographs, which she gave. She knew if it was her, she'd be devastated if she got turned down. They soon boarded the plane and Hope found herself snuggled up to her mother, fighting the demons in her head. They were too much sometimes. When the plane began taking off, Hope gripped the armrest and squeezed her eyes shut. It'll be OK, Hope. Her mother's voice whispered. She wanted to whisper back, "No, Mom. It won't. You left me with Claire, you went on a giant metal tube with Dad, and you never came home."  Her hands shook as she fought a panic attacking. Her mother's voice kept replaying in her head.

"It'll be all right, my dearest girl. I love you, remember? I'll never let you go. You will always have me." But weather or not Jadyn and John Mills wanted to let her go, they were both gone, and Hope was on an airplane, the giant, flying, metal tube that brought her parents to their doom while Hope stayed with her mom's friend Claire. Jen and Colin fell fast asleep, and Hope wouldn't let herself wake anyone. 

"Would you like some water?" A flight attendant asked, and Hope simply shook her head. Bailee and Lana were talking in front of her and Hope let herself listen in. They were talking about sleeping Bex, who was cuddled up to Lana in a hushed tone.

"She just wants what's best for us." Lana sighed.

"But so do you, right? She gets you, she probably just wants to see how it works with being just you and public for a bit. If you haven't adjusted to life without hiding yet, t wouldn't be very fair to throw a kid into the mix, I think is her thinking. I get that, and I know you do, too, we just think you should do it sooner, right?" Bailee asked. 

"Yeah. Maybe we should wait. If she wants it that's bad, we should wait." Lana bit her lip nervously as she looked down at her redheaded girlfriend. Bex stirred in her sleep, causing Lana to smile and kiss her head. Bex opened her eyes and looked up at her girlfriend. 

"Morning." She muttered. Hope shakily kicked the back of Bailee's seat, distracting her from the lovebirds. She smiled at her girlfriend and reached out to take her hand.

"Hey." Bailee whispered. Jen and Colin were still asleep. Hope ran her thumb over Bailee's knuckles with a gentle smile.

"Hi." She smiled. They giggled and Hope wiggles out of Jen's arms. 

"Come sit with me. We can squish." Bailee tugged on her girlfriend's hand. Hope stood and walked to her, gripping the seat. She plopped down next to Bailee, taking her hand. The cast was tired. Most of them had gotten up at five in the morning to pack, because the flight was at seven. They were used to early mornings, but Hope wasn't. Everyone was recovering from the busy week, but no one was getting it like Hope. She was the exhausted, and she was the only one who couldn't sleep on the plane, unfortunately.

"Hey, kid." Lana smiled. 

"Hi." Hope replied. Bex was already back to sleep in Lana's arms, her head resting on the brunette's chest. Lana was stroking her red heat absentmindedly as she talked to Bailee and Hope. 

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Lana asked. 

"I dunno. I couldn't." Hope lied, shrugging her shoulders. Lana rolled her eyes, reading Hope's lie perfectly.

"Sure." She replied sarcastically. Hope didn't even bother trying again. She was too tired to deal with Lana's sarcasm right now.

"Try to sleep, at least." Bailee smiled.

"Do I have to?" Hope asked. Both Lana and Bailee gave her a look that said, 'Are you kidding? Of course you have to!'

"Go to your mother and sleep." Lana pointed to the isle. Hope stood reluctantly, then made her way back to her seat. Jen was awake and confused.

"There you are!" Jen exclaimed as Hope sat next to her. The younger girl smiled and leaned into her mother. Jen laughed and held the little girl close, stroking her hair. Hope found a strange sense of comfort in her mother's arms, fighting off her anxiety. She closed her eyes and relaxed, falling into a haunted sleep.

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