Chapter Four •• Sam

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"Saaammmm?" A voice spoke from above me, causing my eyes to slowly flutter open. I jumped back, cracking my head on the wooden headboard behind me. "You ass!" I exclaimed to Max, who fell back on the white comforter, laughs escaping his mouth. "Why did you have to do that?" I asked, rubbing the bump that was forming on the back of my head. Max chuckled, "I did it because I knew it would be funny, and because you injured yourself." I sighed, shaking my head, unable to hide the smile spreading across my lips. "Where are Lou and Skyler?" I mumbled, my brain not as awake as my body was. Max shrugged, walking across the room "Getting food, hoping they'll run into that girl of yours." My brain was on high alert now. "Why are they looking for her? They basically scared her off yesterday." Max rolled his eyes, following my actions as I stood to find my suitcase in the dark room. The light that entered through the crack in the curtains was enough for me to see his face. "They're going to torture you with her, hope you know that." I nodded, unzipping my suitcase. "Yeah I know, Max. They love to see me suffer." He chuckled, "Get dressed, you got an audition today."
"Man, there is a lot of people," Lou remarked. "And Sam's girl might be here. You would like that, wouldn't you, Sammy?" Max teased, poking me in the side. I grabbed a white plastic plate in my hands, looking at the large breakfast buffet that had been laid out for us. "He's just avoiding it because he knows it's true." Skyler spoke from in front of me as he began to scoop spoonfuls of eggs into his plate. I really wanted to smash eggs on their heads. I talked to the girl one time and it's going to haunt me forever. "All of you are idiots." Max rolled his head to the side "Yea, that seems pretty legit." I wrapped my hand around the handle to the serving spoon and scooped out potatoes and eggs on my plate, along with bacon and two biscuits farther down the line. Holding my drink in my left hand and my plate in my right, I followed Skyler to the group of tables that say off to the side of the buffet. Pulling out a black chair, I sat my food on the table and sat down. Across from me Skyler did the same, and Max placed himself next to me while Lou sat beside Skyler. "Hey, we just wanna wish you luck today man." Lou told me, keeping his head down, eyes concentrated on his plate. "By talking about a girl the whole time?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Lou nodded, "Yep, we love torturing you before your big audition in front of brilliant judges like, Jennifer Lopez, Steven Tyler, and Randy Jackson and if you screw up it's going to be on national tv, so just remember to have fun." Max snorted and Skyler shook his head. "That helps a lot, doesn't Lou?" he commented. I grinned, knowing that however annoying they may be, I didn't know what I would do without them. "There she is, Sam." Lou chuckled, causing Max to turn in the direction he was indicating. "Oh, she has a hot friend too," Max remarked, "bonus." I stood up quickly to catch a glimpse of Olive and I'm guessing, her sister. Her sister was pretty, and looked almost identical to Olive in the face. "I think that's her sister." I replied, sitting back down in my chair, but not taking my eyes off the girls. "Well, she has a hot sister," Max corrected himself. I rolled my eyes. He always liked some girl. "I highly doubt she would fall for you," Lou said, crossing his arms. Max raised his eyebrows at Lou, holding his arm out to me "Okay, but the almost as attractive Olive will date that?" I looked at Max, confusion spread across my face. "That? Your really calling me a that? And for your information, she'd date me because I'm the only sane one out of us four." Lou raised his hand, allowing his chair to fall forward with a quiet thump. "I reject that, I'm the only one with a girlfriend." Skyler turned around in his chair, his eyes scanning the area around the breakfast buffet. "She's looking freaking gorgeous since last night." He exclaimed, nodding in who I believed would be Olive's direction. Tearing my eyes away from Lou, I looked in the direction that Skyler's eyes were looking. "I think you got yourself a keeper, Sam." I sighed loudly, focusing my eyes on Skyler. "I don't even know her. All I did was help her to the lobby, nothing more." Max then butted in, pointing a finger at me. "Yes, but in a very flirtatious manner." I grabbed my plate in both hands, the way I was holding it causing creases to break out across the white, plastic surface. I stood, walking from the table toward the trash cans that stood lined against the wall like toy soldiers. I tossed my plate in the can, the contents falling into the bottom, soon followed by the plate as it carefully floated down, getting caught by the air that was trapped inside of the bag. "Sam, right?" A sweet voice asked from behind me, causing me to spin around on the heels of my black DCs. Brown hair cascaded down her shoulders in gorgeous waves, and a beautiful white sundress covered her body, lastly, black flats fit her feet. I nodded, keeping my brown eyes locked with her own crystal clear blue ones. "Yea, Olive, I presume?" she shrugged, a closed mouth smile playing on her lips. "Elevator girl in the flesh." I switched my eyes from her own, directing them in the way of my table. Seeing Skyler, Lou, and Max had themselves occupied with a conversation, I knew I had limited minutes to talk to her. "You said your auditioning, right?" She nodded, playing with the bottom of her dress that only hung to the middle of her thigh. "So is my sister, she doesn't want to leave until later, though. She needs her time to practice." I bit my lip, thoughts racing through my head like cars on a track. "Well, you could always ride with Lou, Skyler, Max and I. Even though the asses aren't auditioning, and thank the Lord they are not, they insist on tagging along to do what they consider supporting. Which in the long run, only means staring at the girls who are auditioning," I paused, watching her features "it's up to you." Olive glanced back at her sister, who was reaching into a small refrigerator to grab a bottle of water. "Let me ask, okay?" She replied, and I nodded. "Sure, hey, just meet me over there. My friends are probably wondering where I am." As she turned to walk away, her hair spun with her. I felt my cheeks becoming hot, and I felt a huge smile on my face. "Look who just had a moment." Max told me, shaking his head. I rolled my eyes, taking my place in my seat once again. "She's coming to auditions with us." Skyler's eyes widened before he clapped once, loudly. "Now that, Samuel Joseph, is how you play the ladies." Max grinned, "You're growing up, man. Now down to something that benefits me, is her sister coming?" I shook my head, trying to hide the smirk that was trying to make an appearance on my lips. "Nope, only the almost as attractive Olive is coming." Lou laughed, "That sucks for you, buddy," he said, hitting him on the back. I noticed Lou's bright blue eyes widen as Olive strode to the table from the buffet. "May said that would be fine." Lou's eyes traced her dress, her face, her hair. Hell no! I thought. "That's great," I said, smiling at her. I could barely hear Max whisper to Lou. "Her name is May." Lou rolled his eyes, not saying a word. Olive kept her place, bobbing on the tips of her black shoes, not moving from her standing position. "Where are the auditions even at?" Skyler complained, not looking at Olive. Shaking her head, in what looked like disapproval, Olive spoke, "Gwinnett Center, not like you'd really care though, I assume." Skyler shrugged, obviously not caring. "You're right I really don't care, but I was curious." Olive smirked, "Curiosity killed the cat. Keep that in mind." Max bit his lip, and it seemed he was doing so to keep from laughing. "Agreeing with Lou on that one, Sammy Joe." And I knew what he was speaking of.
You got yourself a keeper.

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