Chapter Nine •• May

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Opening my eyes slowly, I closed them quickly once again, the sunlight fluttering through the barely opened curtains. Why did the sunlight always have to hurt my eyes? I cautiously opened my eyes once again to see Olive fast asleep in her bed. She was in her pajamas and I, to my disbelief, was still wearing what I wore yesterday. A purple V-neck and white skinny jeans, but my sneakers were lying next to the bed, leaving my feet in only black socks. I could barely remember anything from last night. I remembered waking up with my face pressed against fabric and arms wrapped around me, and being placed into a bed, who had held me, I did not know. Closing my eyes once again, I hoped to find sleep again, but rudely had them opened again whenever I heard "I know your awake." I groaned and ran my hand through my hair. "Yes I'm awake, Olive." My sister always knew when I was awake, she'd lived with me so long, and it was more of a curse than a gift. "My head hurts," I mumbled, rubbing my eyes. Olive sat up, quickly, but before she could say anything, I shook my head. "No, Olive, it is not that. I just have a headache." She rolled completely over onto her side to face me, her brown hair pulled up in a loose ponytail on her head. "Colton got us here safely, no one injured or anything."
Colton, he'd been here. "What do you mean, 'Colton got us here safely'?" I asked, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed before standing up. I put my hands over my head and stretched, allowing air to enter my lungs more easily. "He drove us home, genius, you're the one who handed over the keys." I held up a finger, and spoke through a yawn, "Though I did so in a half asleep state." Olive raised her eyebrows at me. "Based on this, I'm guessing you don't remember him cradling you in his arms. You had your face pressed up against his shirt, sleeping away." That was the fabric I remembered. It was Colton's shirt. Wait, I had my face pressed against COLTON'S shirt. I could feel my cheeks getting hot. "Oh, I almost forgot. Apparently you had her head rested on Colton's arm while you asleep in the car. Sam told me." Throwing my hand against my face, the stinging sensation moving through my skin, not causing pain, but bringing attention to my brain. Olive laughed, the noise filling the room. "As much as I know you'll hate to say it, May, you're falling for him." I shook my head. "I am not falling for a guy I just met, especially not Colton Dixon." A smirk appeared on Olive's face. "Imagine it, May, you're in denial and you won't be able to see him again for three more months." THREE MONTHS.
With my bag in my hand, and Olive's slung over her shoulder, I pulled the door open. "What's that?" She questioned, leaning around my shoulder, trying to manage sight at the object resting itself on our doormat. My foot hovered closely to it, and I stepped back, not wanting to crush whatever it was. "I don't know." Olive reached for it, but I pulled her hand back. "It's addressed to me, Olive," I said, pointing to the neat writing that read May. I bent down to pick it up and it was obvious that something rested inside it. "What is it?" Olive asked, excitedly. "I don't know yet." Sensing the annoyance in my voice, she stopped speaking, and stood quietly, the hallway silent. I unfolded the piece of white computer paper, and made my eyes follow the words that had been written on the page.

I think you should know that Sam tried to drive your car last night. Of course I wouldn't let him. He sat in the backseat with Sky and Olive as you and I sat in front. You must of been really tired because you didn't wake up at all when Sam and Olive fought. Well, I brought you up to your hotel room and took off your sneakers in case you were wondering. Schyler and I left around five the morning to head back to Murfreesboro since our parents want us to be home by noon. Sorry that I didn't say good-bye in person. I figured this note would be better than waking you up since you were so tired last night. I noticed that Olive and you have different music tastes, so I put one of my favorite albums by The Fray in this note. Maybe this would be a band you guys could bond over. If you ever want to talk to me, my number's written below my name. Have a safe trip home, May.
-Colton Dixon

I gently pulled out the album that Colton gave me and gazed at it. The album was named The Fray. I found it dumb that artists named their album the same thing as their band name. The front of the album was decorated with the band name spelled out in lights, and who I assumed to be the members running by in a blur. Popping the case open, I saw the CD. Black with white text circling the edges of it, all the song titles typed in small print. I smiled, slightly, as I glanced at his signature. He had neat handwriting for a boy. I couldn't believe that he took the time to write me a note at five in the morning. I slipped the case and letter into the side pocket of my bag, and started down the hall, not wanting Olive to see the huge grin playing on my face. I heard the door to the room click shut, and the sound of Olive's feet pounding to catch up with me. Making it to my side, she didn't say a word, so I did instead. "You and Sam fought?" Olive shook her head, glancing at her phone. "I told Colton and Sam to quit acting like they've known each other forever, and Sam sorta took it the wrong way, he thought I was angry at him for being friendly. Colton told us to quit arguing because you were asleep, so we did." Slipping her phone back into her pocket, she looked at the bulge sticking out from the side of my bag, and shook her head, not asking one question about it.
"Okay, so I found out something new about This Loud Morning, can I please listen to David Cook?" Olive asked, shutting her door behind her. "No," I said without hesitation, starting the car. "We're listening to an album that I want to listen to." Olive's facial expression, I noticed from the corner of my eye, faltered, but she didn't speak. She grabbed her phone again, tapping her fingers across the screen, and I touched her arm lightly. "Are you okay?" Olive nodded, "Yeah, just put in the album that your boyfriend gave you." I held the leather of the steering wheel tightly, before pulling down my sun-visor, grabbing David Cook's This Loud Morning, thrusting it in Olive's direction. "Just listen to it, Olive." She shook her head. "No, listen to your CD, since it's all about him right now." I sighed and dropped it into Olive's lap. "I'm sorry I told you no for the first time in your life. You're not used to having anyone that actually tells you no, are you?" I wasn't just saying that to be mean, I was being absolutely serious. She always wanted everything to go her way, and she always got it. She picked up the disk and slipped it into her own sun-visor holder before slamming the end of her headphone jack into the top of her phone. "No, May, I'm not used to you telling me no, I'm used to me telling you no, being the adult in our lives has put me in that situation more than once, now hasn't it?" I didn't want to argue with her anymore, I felt like I was on the verge of a breakdown, my head pulsing from the pain of this morning. "Olive, you're upsetting me, just listen to your album." She shook her head and put both of her red marshmallow headphones in her ears, and I knew she could no longer hear a word a spoke to her.

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