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I was hunting for a small wounded doe. It had been a few hours since I first spotted the blood in the small hoof prints of a doe. I'd been tracking it ever since, it didn't have any serious injury since it'd been able to move as far as it had. I'm pretty sure that I'm a lot closer now because of how much fresher the prints are, I'm just hoping that it doesn't rain. It's pretty cloudy and I don't wanna lose this trail, if I do then I won't be able to eat for today. My stomach was growling and I really wanted that food.

I stopped. There was a quiet, distant rustling to my left. I pulled out my dagger sensing that it wasn't an animal that lived in these mountains. I started moving quietly to a tree directly to my left. It was wide enough to completely conceal me. The rustling persisted and grew louder. I heard quiet mumbling and a laugh. It sounded like two or three male humans. Strange, I need to alert the dragons that we have other humans in our territory. I won't be able to sneak away without them knowing that I'm here now, they're way to close.

They got closer and closer and I just stayed crouched right where I was. "Man, I'm hoping we can find something. We really need to find an animal to bring back to camp." I heard one of the men say. "Yeah, no kidding, it's been what? Two or three days without eating?" One of them responded. "I think it's been three based on how much my stomach is growling." The third one replied. They're too close, this isn't good. I need to move now, but where. I can't climb the tree because the branches are too high up for me to reach and not make a lot of noise. I won't be able to move to another tree either, I don't have enough cover. I'm stuck.

I don't think that I'll be able to take all three of them either. If it was just two of them then I think I'd be fine. I've really gotten myself into quite a predicament. "Hey man, I found some deer tracks over here, looks to be injured." That's my trail! But it might lead them away from me so I can get away. One of the other men said "Are those foot prints, like from a person who was tracking this deer?" Oh no, oh no, oh no! What am I going to do? My tracks are going to lead them right to me. "They probably left, thinking that they're not going to make it back to their camp before dark if they kept going." One of them responded.

"What if they didn't leave and they're hiding out? These tracks are really new, like within the last fifteen or so minutes. They could be hiding somewhere around here, which means they've heard this. There's no where else for them to go without us knowing either." He replied. Please don't follow my tracks. I silently pleaded. "If you're here then you should just come out now. We'll follow your tracks if you don't. I'll give you five seconds. Five." No! "Four." I stood up slowly. "Three." I sheathed my dagger, after having forgotten about it. "Two." I took a deep breath. "One." I stepped out from behind the tree. They were all looking in this direction.

They have a very stunned look on their faces. I'm not sure if it's because of my oddly colored hair and eyes, because I'm a girl, or a little bit of both. "Hi?" I questioned. The one in the middle was the first to come out of his stupor. "Hello. What are you doing out here?"

"I was hunting for food and then I heard you guys tromping through the forest." I replied.

"We weren't tromping through the forest!" The one on the left said, clearly offended.

"It certainly sounded like it to me." The one on the left rolled his eyes.

"If you were hunting then where's your camp and why are you out here hunting by yourself?" The middle one questioned.

"Umm... I can't tell you where my camp is. I also can't show you. As for the reason why I'm out here hunting by myself is because, I'm the only one at my camp." I replied uneasily. The three men shared a look.

"I think that you can show us and that you don't want to." The man on the right said.

"No, I really can't." I said backing away slowly. They took bigger steps toward me.

"You're not going anywhere without us, so why don't you just do yourself a favor and show us where your camp is."

I bit my lip and thought for a moment. There's no way I can get out of this,  I'm gonna have to take them, at least somewhere close. "Alright then. Camp's this way." I replied a bit defeated. I turned on my heel and started leading them back to where I live with Kalamaric.

A/N I'm going to be posting new chapters on weekends. It might be 1 or 2 depending on how much time I have. I really hope that you all enjoy this story. -The Deathe Reaper

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