We Can Handle It.

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Katniss P.O.V.

I run straight out the door and into the woods. My instincts tell me that Peeta called Haymitch to watch Riley while he tried to look for me. I continue to run farther and farther. Luckily, it's still a little light out so I can see where I am heading. Once I think I've lost Peeta, I climb a tall tree and sit at the top. I can here the leaves crunching and something coming closer to me. I turn my head slightly and I can tell that it's Peeta.

"Katniss?" Peeta yells tiredly.

I tell myself to not make a peep and not to move.

"Kat? Where are you? I just want to talk."

Suddenly, I feel the urge to throw up. But I try to settle myself and I only end up gagging. And apparently that gave away my hiding spot. Because the next thing I know, Peeta is looking up at me and shouting.

"Oh my god, Katniss. Get down from there. That isn't safe for you or the baby. What do you think would happen if you fell?" he cries out.

"Peeta, I'm fine. I know what I'm doing."

"Katniss. No, you don't. You, in a 75 foot tall tree, pregnant, clearly shows that you don't know what you're doing."

Of course he had to bring up the fact that I'm pregnant.

"Peeta, can you please stop mentioning that I'm pregnant?" it's unnecessary.

"Only if you come down."

Really? I have to come down for him to stop saying that I'm pregnant? Ugh...sometimes, I don't like him. He always gets what he wants.

I decided it wasn't worth it to keep arguing, so I climbed down. Peeta ran over to me and tried to give me a hug, but I wouldn't let him. Instead I walked right by him and began to cry.

"Now what's wrong?" he asks.

"Nothing. I just don't want to talk about it," I say holding my stomach.

"We are going to have to talk about it at some point."

"I know that Peeta. But Riley is our baby and now we're going to have another one," I snap back at him.

"Do you really think we can't handle another baby, Katniss?"

I shake my head.

That reminded me, "What did you do with Riley?"

"Oh, I had Haymitch come over and watch him."

"Ok. I'm going to go send Haymitch home." I really need someone to make me smile right now.

"Alright. I'll go with you."

We walk in silence, me in front, Peeta in back.

Once we get back to our house, I send Haymitch home and thankfully no questions were asked. Only then do I realize that it is 10:30 at night and I am really tired. I head up to bed and I tell Peeta to not talk about the pregnancy with anyone. He nods in agreement. I apologize for my behavior and he says that it's okay but I just have to let him in sometimes.

With the day behind us, I bury my head into Peeta's chest and fall asleep listening to his heartbeat.

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