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A/N: Sarreh for the long wait.

Been inactive these past few days.

Internet and I just meet once in a blue moon.

Due to some school stuff, I've been idling.

Hope you'll enjoy this update, though.

Anyways, you guys can follow me on twitter & instagram @preciousinvader

PS: For the meantime, please do bear with the errors. Too lazy to proof read and edit everything here.Teeheehee. Leave comments. You know, I'm rooting for those.





Thursday arrives so fast.

I was heading off for my 8:30 class, I noticed that most students sitting, walking, or standing everywhere inside this university were giving me such stern look.

Was it paranoia or imagination hitting me?

Are they judging me of a crime I just have made?

Do I have any malignant or infectious disease to spread in GDLMU why they looked at me with such annoyance?

Or maybe I just forgot to comb my hair, so they're just trying to look at me like this, instead of saying, "Time can you atleast comb your hair before going to school."

Why would I be anxious of how these people might think about me?

I better go fast or else I'll be late for my World Litureture class.

It's 8:28 already, I shouldn't take this minor subject for granted. I might fail due to my tardiness and wouldn't be able to graduate on time.

Nah! So much thinking.

Overthinking might ruin my day.

Maybe this is just all an effect of my first-class-sickness.

You know, I have this phobia on attending my first subject class since I was first year.

And I really wonder if there's something to be called about this phenomenon.

This is just a minor problem, anyway. Since first year I was able to handle this case easily.

I always experience abnormalities in life. And I am proud to say, I was able to survive those.

For World Lit, this will be just easy.

Probably this will be the first meeting with our World Lit professor since we were informed last tuesday that the professor in World Literature has something urgent to do and will just meet us next meeting.

I'll better hurry now.

I must reach CAS Building Room 204 by now. I don't want to make a bad impression.


Room 202...

Room 203...

At last! I reached Room 204.

I looked at my wrist watch it's already 8:34.

Oh gracious goodness, I'm late already.

I slowly entered room 204, trying not to disturb the already seated students.

I noticed unfamiliar faces.

So it's mixed courses for this subject?

"Excuse me, Miss? Are you enrolled in this subject?" asked the professor standing in the center of this four corner room.

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