chapter 7

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He slowly lowers my panties as i pull his boxers off!

"are you sure youre ready" ross ask me in his sexy sex voice

"yup" i laugh as he slowly enters me making me moan as loud as i possibly can!

He sucks on my neck finding me sweet spot and lightly sucking on it making me moan louder if thats possible!

He is still thrusting into me while i moan every couple times not caring  if his family heard!

we finally stop, him laying next to me! We were so out of breath it wasent even funny!

"That.Was.Amazing!" was all i managed to get out

"yeah" he said simply

I look down to see my sheets bloody and i just start to panic a little shooting strait up in the bed!

"whats wrong sammy!" ross asked me worriedly

"i forgot that when you lost your virginaty some times blood comes out! how are we going to wash my sheets with out your family knowing!" i said panicing

"we will put them in the bottom of your laundry basket and pretend its nothing" he replid still smiling ear to ear:)

"how about we put some PJS on and put my sheets in the laundry basket and go down stairs but not at the same time!" i said also still smiling ear to ear!

"ok" he said

I giggled because he was still in his little la la land:) He finally got up and went into his own room.

I got up and put on some fuzzy black booty shorts that had a neon yellow batman logo in the corner with a neon yellow tank top next i threw my long blond hair up in a very messy bun! i then get my almost empty laundry basket and threw my bloody sheets into it! I pick up the laundry basket and start walking down stairs.

Every one was sitting on the couch watching a movie, i wasnt really paying attenchin so i find my self bumping into rydel making EVERYTHING fall out of my laundry basket!

"OMG, im so sorry!" she practicly screemed making everyone run over to me helping me pick up my crap thats when i remembered THE SHHETS!

Hope you lovilys liked! eleanor<3

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