There Nothing like home

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"Attention passengers we have just landed in Seattle please make your way out to pick up your suitcases and thank you for choosing Delta airlines"
Blah blah whatever,I grab my bag and head out to the restroom to clean up a bit before hiding out to look for Kate and her soon to be husband Elliott and his little sister Mia witch she doesn't know it's me there picking up and his billionaire brother Christian Grey and his wanna be GI joe's
I make my way to where there standing with there backs to me and prepare for the worst part
They all look and turn surprise to see me
"Hello big sis it's been long sense I haven't seen you" I say
She screams and runs to me and jumps and gives me a hug, I could feel my shirt wet from her crying and sobbing really loud
I see Elliott and his siblings standing behind Kate shoulder Elliot is crying I let go of Kate and make my way with a blurry visions I Elliot with unshed tears in my eyes his sister Mia looks like she's seen a ghost.
"Hello big brother"
" No you don't get to call me that anymore"Elliot said
"Elliot I.. I'm sorry" I say crying
"You left, you left me behind you pr promised me you wouldn't leave .sobbing. You left without saying goodbye I promised I was going to help you but left .sobbing."
"I know that but I did it to protect you and Kate  and my family and yours Elliot"
"BULLSHIT ANA" he screams while he cry's
Everyone stop and stares Mia looks mad now to and speeds to me and says
"You let me believe for ten years you were dead how could you Ana" she crying which makes me let out a loud sob and cry harder
"I  I I" I try to speak but I can't
" Why Ana why"
I try to speak but I can't tears blur my vision and I lose my breath and I start to have a blown full panic attack she keeps asking me questions and everything seems to get quite and spin I try to breath but I can't I start to back away in fear when she starts to keep putting pressure on me with all these questions while I struggle to breath I fall on my knees failing to catch my breath I'm clawing at my throat to lose my choker I have on
"Ana" I hear Kate
I feel her arms around me trying to help but I struggle to breath while I'm still crying I feel no control over anything
"Ana" I hear Kate and Elliot trying to clam me down but I can't
" I I can't bre breath" I tell them I fall on Elliot still struggle to breath I try to signal for my bag one of the guys dressed in black with a buzz cut understands me and reaches for my bag I look up at Elliot still struggle to breath he looks scared
"Clam down Ana and just breath okay please"
Trying to breath but I can't Kate has her hands on my head trying to clam me down like we were little Kids while crying I look like Elliot try to speak but all I do is choke my words
The buzz cut guy is rushing trying to find what I was trying to tell them  I point at the needle and open my hand for when he gives it to me I look at it but I'm starting to close my eyes
"Ana stay with us don't close your eyes" I hear Elliot say but my eyes feel tired
"Don't you dare close your eyes on me" I hear faint sound of sirens going off  my eyes give up and all I see is dark
All of a sudden I feel a sharp pain in my chest
I gasp for air and open my eyes I groan
"Federal Agent Steele can you hear me"I hear someone say I nod I turn my neck and see people surrounding me Elliot and Kate are holding each other while crying and Mia is crying and there brother Christian is on the phone and ordering his security around while they try to get people to back away 
"Agent Steele are you okay" I turn and see a paramedic and I try to stand up and he sees this and helps me up Kate rushes over to me hugs  me I groan in pain
"Can we go home now" I whisper with a crack in my voice
" ma'am we need to take you to the hospital" says the paramedic I turn around and tell him that there is no need but he try's to insist but I refuse. Kate walks me towards the Greys and Elliot picks me up in his arms because I couldn't stand well yet and Kate takes my bag Mia looks down with shame and says
"I'm sorry Ana I-I forgot how you still have really bad panic attacks"she says
"It's okay Mia I forgive you" I try to say but I'm to tired. Elliot tells his brother that we are ready to leave he looks at me with those Grey eyes and nods we start walking outside  I see flashes of camera lights I cover my face with Elliot's jacket we rush toward the car Christian says something to Elliot and Elliot says something to me I just nod not caring honesty I'm just to tired he hands me over to Christians arms while he gets in the driver seat and Kate in the passenger I lay my head on his shoulder I see a flash of a camera and groan and try to hide my face in his neck i whimper in discomfort of the lights I hear people asking questions screaming at us I place my arms around his neck he gets in the car and I hear the faint voices of people outside the car I take deep breath and smell Christians expensive colon and sigh and start to fall asleep on him
He tells me something but I just fall asleep feeling safe at last.

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