I slept with Malfoy

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Hermione p.o.v.
I woke up with a headache and felt sick, ugh a hangover. Great note my sarcasm. I looked around the room and saw it had a green canopy surrounding it. Green! But I'm in the Griffendor dorms right I turned and saw a head of blonde hair next to me not just and blonde it was platinum blonde hair. Malfoy. I screamed. He woke up, "WHAT IN THE NAME OF SNAPES SAGGY MAN TITS IS GOING ON! What are you doing in my bed". Granger for your information this is my bed". "WHAT! Yes, you had a little too much to drink and started crying about your breakup with weasl-bee then kissed me I kissed you back and we had sex." "What no no no no NO! I'm sorry I have to go." I picked up my clothes from the floor and grabbed my wand and left the room.
The whole way back I kept thinking I had sex with Malfoy I had sex with Malfoy. I walked to the portrait for the Common room. "Password" the fat lady said. "Twattle." The door opened and I walked in Ginny was pacing around the room Harry looking worried. "Where in merlin Name have you been. Um I walked to the broom closet and fell asleep". "You got that drunk?" She looked at me like really.  "Yes, now if you excuse me I need to take a shower." In the shower I got worried about something in a quick look around the room I didn't see any condoms so I have to ask if he used a spell or not. I then felt sick and threw up. "Damn hangovers", I yelled I herd Ginny giggling like a madwoman in the next room.

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