A new Malfoy

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DRACOS p.o.v
I woke up to Hermione screaming. WHATS WRONG.i ales stupidly. THE BABY IS COMING ITS COMING GET ME TO THE NURSES WING. So I yelled for pansy. DRACO HURRY .
3hrs later we are in the hospital wing Hermione is in there with McGonagall Ginny Madame Pomfy and Luna I herd Pomfy say okay just one more push and then you have your baby. I herd another scream and then a cry of a baby. ITS A BOY! I jumped up and ran into the room with tears. Mione looked like she was about to faint Ginny was tired and McGonagall had a look of shock on her face.
Hermione's p.o.v.
What are you going to name him? Ginny asked. Well Draco and I decide to name him Scorpius John Malfoy. So that's the name Madame Pomfry said ? Yes that's what we are going to name him. Who are the godparents, Harry asked with a look of crazed excitement. Well Harry you are going to be his godfather and Ginny is the godmother. ALLRIGHT Ginny screamed causing me to giggle causing
my new born to giggle which made everybody go

Hi sorry I haven't updated in a while I was in the hospital because of asthma and other shit

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