Part 2

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A few days later...

Harry's pov

"Harry! Hurry up the train is here!" I heard Hermione yell

I quickly ran to the entrance of the train and followed her into the compartment. She placed her bag above us and took a seat.

"You are so slow sometimes" She says, I saw her roll her eyes

"Well you know what" I start poking her sides

"Harry stop!" She yells laughing trying to push me away, i grabbed her side and started tickling her stomach

"Take it back!"

I saw her eyes started to water as I continued tickling her. She then grabs my arm and tries wrestling me to the ground. We rolled around on the compartment floor trying to pin each other down, many students passed our compartment and started laughing. Finally I gave up and let her pin me to the ground, she was sitting on my stomach with her hands holding down both my arms.

"I win. I always win" She says laughing out of breathe

"Yeah you do" I admitted

I looked up at her and brought my hand to her cheek taking the stand of hair that was along her cheek and placing it behind her ear. She closes her eyes as I do, her cheeks instantly turn red once she opens them.

We stayed there just staring at each other for a minute before a voice interrupts.

"Have I missed something?" Ron asks behind us

Hermione quickly jumps off me and moves next to me on the compartment floor.

"No....we were just wrestling and it got a bit out of hand. No what took you so long?" Hermione asks stuttering, she then got off the ground and began brushing off the dirt on her clothes

"I was just looking for you two" Ron says as he looks between us weirdly

Hermione helps me off the ground and we both take a seat. Ron takes a seat right across from us.

"So what do you think is up with malfoy?" Ron asks me

"I think he is becoming a death eater, it was some sort of initiation and malfoy's dad is a death makes sense" I explained to them noticing the looks they are giving me

"Maybe. But isn't he a bit young to become a death eater? He is only 16" Hermione questions

"Yeah but that won't stop Voldemort from trying to make him a death eater" I reasoned

"So I keep catching Lavender staring at me. Should I tell her to stop because it's kinda bothering me? I mean she's hot and all but her staring is creeping me out" Ron asks randomly, it's like he hasn't been listening to our conversation.

"Ron why a girl is staring at you should be your least concern. Don't you get Voldemort is still out there and now there could be a death eater right under our noses. It's bad enough we have to deal with Snape but now malfoy. Would you get your priorities straight" Hermione yells at him in a whispering tone

I didn't think Hermione would get so defensive. I looked at her for a second and realized, she probably doesn't like Ron talking about another girl.

"Jeez what does me noticing a girl have to do with malfoy? I was just asking a question you don't need to get all defensive" Ron argues

This is going be the longest train ride of my life. I covered my eyes and laid back trying to ignore the bickering and obvious sexual tension between both of my friends. Why does there have to be any tension between them at all?

Later that night....

Hermione's pov

We just got back to Hogwarts and the sorting hat ceremony just ended. I haven't seen Harry yet and I'm really starting to worry. I thought he was right behind us. What happened?

"Hermione calm down I'm sure Harry is fine" Ron says stuffing food in his face

"He could be hurt or in some kind of trouble. What if...." Just as I'm about to finish I heard the hall doors open

I looked over to see Harry and Luna, i felt this pang of jealousy when i saw him walk in so close with her. But then i noticed he has tissue held to his nose, it seems to be bleeding. He leaves Luna's side and takes a seat next to me.

"Harry. What happened? Are you okay? Why are you bleeding?" I ask him, but he just gives me a look silently telling me we will talk about it later.

All throughout dinner i couldn't help not taking every opportunity to look at him.

He is so cute and handsome....Harry. Then I looked to Ron and see him stuffing his face, it is rather disgusting. As i look between the two, i realized that Harry has that certain sparkle that shines in his eyes everytime he laughs. I couldn't help but laugh along with him. I'm starting to develop something special for Harry, maybe more than i ever did for Ron.

Why do i have to like him? I know Ginny likes him, and he likes her as well. She may be dating Dean but she will always like Harry. I might as well just give up on him. Maybe i should just settle for Ron....if he will ever notice me that is. For the rest of the night I just continued to eat in silence before heading to the common room.

After dinner....

I was waiting the common room hoping Harry could explain why he was bleeding. He soon walked in with a tissue still held to his nose.

"Harry! What happened to you? Why is your nose bleeding?" I took the tissue from him and began dabbing his upper lip wiping the blood off

"I was spying on malfoy and i was hiding under my cloak, but he must have noticed me because next thing I knew I was on the ground. He must have punched me or something because when Luna woke me up my nose was bleeding. I'm glad Luna found me when she did" He explains

"I'm going to hex him the next time I see him" I finished wiping the blood off his face and hand the tissue back to him

"Thanks mione" He says

"Of course. You should head off to bed, no doubt that Ron will also be wanting an explanation"

"Yeah....night Hermione" He says before heading to his room

I quickly did the same and changed into my night clothes. I turned off the lights and fell asleep soon after.

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