Part 3

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Harry's pov

"Look at them. All trying to find their place, i mean we were like that. You know trying to find our first classes" I tell Ron as we watched all of the first years walk through the halls

"I know. We were late to transfiguration the first day" Ron says laughing as we thought back to that memory

"Boys! What do you think your doing?" Mcgonagall asks walking towards us

"We were just watching professor and thinking back" I tell her

"Well how about you both head to potions instead. I find professor Slughorn would be pleased with your arrival" she says walking away

Classes have begun and Ron and I originally had no class, but then Mcgonagall told us to go to potions. Ron and I quickly made our way to class each grabbing a text book off the shelf.

"Harry I was wondering when you were coming. Now who is this you brought with you?" Slughorn asks

"Ron weasley"

"Well boys come in and join the class"

We walked in and I stood next to Hermione. Professor Slughorn began asking the class to identify different potions that were on the desk, Hermione instantly raised her hand, she is so smart. I love how she always knows the answer. She walks up to the potions and began identifying each one.

"This one is a truth telling serum and that one is a love potion. It's the most powerful love potion to make, It smells different to each smells of the person you love" She explains

"Exactly my dear....20 points to gryffindor"

"Mr. Potter did say you were the brightest witch he has ever known, i understand why he spoke so highly of you" Slughorn says, my face goes instantly red as Hermione looks back at me smiling

Hermione comes back and stands next to me, i felt the brush of her hand against mine causing my heart to beat faster than normal.

"Did you really tell him all that?" She whispers

"Of course I did. You are brilliant"

She just smiles then blushes at me before bringing her attention back to the teacher.

"Now the final one is felix felicis or known as...." Slughorn begins

"Liquid luck" Hermione answers surprisingly interuppting him

"Exactly. It is incredibly hard to make. Most are unsuccessful. This is liquid death, the person who creates liquid death will win a vile of this liquid luck" Slughorn says holding up the dark vile

He sent us off to work and try to create liquid death, if most are unsuccessful, how does he expect a bunch of sixth years to make it. But I'm going to try.

I walked over to my station and flipped to the instuctions. I noticed that most has been crossed out and rewritten as something else, i might as well try to do as this person wrote.

I followed the instructions exactly and became very successful. I looked around to see everyone is having trouble, even Hermione. I see she is starting to get upset then she looked over at mine.

"Harry how did you do that?" She asks surprised

"I just followed what was written down" I tell her, technically it's true.

I finished my potion just in time as Professor Slughorn began inspecting them. So far everyone has failed, finally it's my turn.

"It's perfect. Absolutely perfect. Must have the talent of you mother" He says graciously

I looked over at Hermione who looks rather disappointed. I should tell her that my book had other instructions, but I don't think that would help. Slughorn hands me the liquid luck and I could see all of the jealous looks on my classmates faces.

After class....

After classes i made my way to see professor Dumbledore, he wanted to talk with me. I don't know why but I hope I wasn't in trouble or something.

I reached his office and said the password, allowing the stairs to appear. I walked inside to see Dumbledore sitting at his desk waiting for me

"Harry I'm so glad you got my message. Now please come in"

"How have your classes been going? Professor Slughorn no doubt enjoys having you in his class, so I've been told?" He asks me

"He thinks to much of me" I admitted

I'm not all as people would expect me to be. I may be the boy who lived but I'm still an average wizard. It has always been hard trying to live up to what everyone wants. Hermione has never expected anything from me, except doing my work, i liked that.

"Yes....what about your outside of school activities. I have noticed you spend quite a lot of time with Ms.Granger? If you don't mind me inquiring" That instantly grabs my attention, why would he be asking me about Hermione?

"Hermione? We're just friends. She is brilliant but we're just friends" I felt my cheeks heating up, i wish we were more but that will probably never happen.

"Sure of course....Now for the reason i called you. I wanted you to take a look at a memory of mine....It is the first day I met Tom riddle. Do you mind seeing it?" He asks handing me the vile of his memory

I walked over and poured the memory into his pensive. Both Dumbledore and I took a look inside.


"How are you Tom?" Dumbledore asks the small child

"You're another doctor aren't you. You think I'm different or mad just like all of them. But I'm matter what they say" Riddle says staring off out the window

"I'm a professor at Hogwarts...a school of people much like yourself. You are special can do things other children can't. Am I right?" Dumbledore explains

"I can make things move and I can make bad things happen to people who are mean to me"

"It's called magic....Like you I also possess such a gift" He further explains to Tom

"Prove it"

Dumbledore instantly lights the dresser on fire, he did it without even moving. Wandless magic. I could tell Tom was impressed by this.

"We can teach you to control it" Dumbledore says finally walking out

He stops at the door for a moment only to hear the final words.

"I can talk to that normal for people like me?"


The memory soon begins fading as I'm back in Dumbledore's office. That last thing he said caught my attention, i can talk to snakes too. I am like him in too many ways.

"Did you know about him sir? That he would turn out like he did" I asked still gazing at the pensive

"No. If I Hogwarts Tom grew close to one teacher specifically. Do you know who that is?" He asks not fully answering my question

"You didn't want professer Slughorn as a potions teacher did you? You needed him for something else, is that why you took me to his house?"

"Yes. He has something I need" He tells me quietly

"You told me Slughorn would collect me for something. Do you want me to let him?" I asked realizing what he has been wanting from me this whole time.


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