Part 11

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Dedicated to LunaM303 and MsJhaynineMei


The next morning....

"Harry" I heard this faint whisper in my ear

With my eyes still closed I covered myself with the blanket avoiding whoever was trying to talk to me.

"Harry. Wake up it's Christmas eve. We're going to diagon alley for some shopping" Hermione tells me

"Mmm" I didn't feel like getting up quite yet

"Harry don't make me do this" She threatens, i couldn't help not smiling to myself.

After awhile i heard nothing but silence. I got out of the blanket and looked around the room, but there was no sign of her. Ron's bed was empty so he must already be downstairs. I was still too lazy to get out of bed so shut my eyes and laid back down.


I felt this ice cold water drench my whole body. I quickly stood up trying to figure out what happened. I looked in front of me to see Hermione holding a bucket.

"Blimey Hermione! That was uncalled for don't you think!" She just gives me a mischievous grin

"I told you to get up. Now dry off, get changed and come down stairs" she says

"Well you know what!"

I grabbed and pulled her in for a tight hug making sure she got her clothes wet.

"Harry! Stop!" She screams laughingly as she tries to pull out of my grip

I finally let go of her to see the angry look appear on her face. Her clothes are practically soaking wet now, i looked at her and just began laughing.

"This isn't funny! I have to go and change now" She says staring to even more angry

"Maybe next time you won't pour a bucket of water on me" I see the slight smile appear on her face

"Maybe next time you will wake up on time. Everyone is already waiting and now we both have to change" She says giggling a bit

I turned around and took off my shirt eventually tossing it near my trunk. She looks at me surprised as i saw her staring at my chest. Her cheeks turn instantly red when she notices me staring.

"Yeah....well I will leave you to change" She says awkwardly, quickly leaving the room

I finished changing and walked down to see everyone eating breakfast.

"Harry. I was wondering when you were coming down dear" Molly says sweetly

"It's all Hermione's fault"

"That's rubbish and you know it" She says scowling at me

I just smiled and took a seat across from Hermione and Ron. I looked at Hermione who is just smirking at me.

Throughout breakfast I noticed Ron constantly looking at Hermione, his eyes went in a dreamy state and he blushed everytime she would talk. I knew he liked her....i thought with him dating Lavender she could be mine. I wasn't jealous or anything but seriously Ron should pay attention to his own girlfriend. Hermione doesn't even look at Ron, probably because it was still awkward between them.

After breakfast we all apparated to diagon alley and began looking for Christmas presents. Christmas is tomorrow and I'm going to give Hermione something amazing. I slowly walked away from Ron and Hermione and walked into a jewellery store.

"Harry Potter! What an honor to meet you. I can't believe your in my shop!" The cashier says excitedly

"Hello. I'm just looking for something for my friend"

"Ask if you need help" she says

I continued looking until I saw a ring....a beautiful ring. It was a princess cut diamond ring with red and gold ruby in the center. It was absolutely perfect.

"Excuse me? I would like to purchase that one please" I tell the cashier

I quickly paid her and headed out to meet with Ron and Hermione at the three broomsticks. I walked into the shop and i noticed Ron and Hermione aren't even talking to each other. I really wish things wouldn't be so weird between them anymore. I made sure the ring was in my pocket before walking over.

"Harry. Where did you go? When I turned around you were gone" She says sounding a bit worried, i took my seat right by her

"I had to grab a present for someone. So....what are you guys doing"

"Nothing much" Ron says

We continued talking for awhile longer before we all went back to the leaky cauldron. I instantly walked up to mine and Ron's room to hide the ring till tomorrow. Just then i heard the door open behind me, i shoved the ring in my pocket hoping for it not to be seen.

"Harry what is that you're hiding?" Ginny asks

"It's nothing" I say quickly

"Okay. We are all going to mess with some zonkos products George bought. Do you want to come?" She asks forgetting she saw anything

"Yeah. I will be right down" I tell her, she leaves shutting the door behind her

I hid the ring and quickly walked downstairs and take a seat at one of the tables. Everyone is trying this candy where is makes you sound like a different animal, it was pretty funny.

Soon night began to fall and we all went to our rooms. I decided to stay downstairs for awhile and look at the Christmas tree. Christmas has always been one of those holidays where nothing but bad memories came, i never really celebrated until i was eleven. Suddenly the footsteps behind me brought me out of my thoughts. I imagined it must have been the couldn't be anyone else, we are the only ones staying here.

"Harry?" I heard Hermione ask quietly

"Hermione? What are you doing down here?"

"You didn't go to bed and Ron was worried. So I thought i might check on you"

She says walking over and taking a seat next to me.

"So you two are talking again?" I ask her

"Not really. It wasn't really Ron who was worried about you. So what are you doing down here?"

"I was just looking at the tree. It's rather nice"

"Yeah. I have always loved the lights, Christmas has always been my what was the actual reason for you absense?" I looked at her for a second, i knew i could never lie to her

"I was just thinking about my past. The holidays for me was always cleaning or cooking, then I was locked in room under the stairs until the holiday was over. So Christmas doesn't really bring up any good memories" I confessed to her, i wouldn't usually tell anyone this much

"Oh Harry. One of these days I will kill your relatives" She says placing her head on my shoulder

"But right now everything is better. I have you and Ron and Hogwarts"

We just sat there for awhile in comfortable silence. Soon Hermione lifted her head off my shoulder.

"We should head to bed" She says whispering

"Yeah your right....goodnight mione" I give her a kiss on the cheek before departing to my room.

When I walked in Ron's snores filled the room. I quickly changed and headed for bed.

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