Part 9

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The holidays were finally here, and as usual i get to spend it with Ron. This year was going to be different because Remus and Tonks were joining us for dinner. Remus is practically the only family I have, besides the weasleys and Hermione.

I was sitting on the train with Ron waiting anxiously for Hermione. I haven't seen her today and I was a little nervous. Ever since that kiss she just makes my heart stop everytime i see her.

"You can't break an unbreakable vow. Why would Snape even make one in the first place?" Ron asks me

"I don't know....Ron look" I pointed over towards Lavender who is standing right outside our compartment

She is just writing some heart on the window with their initials. Ron looked absolutely annoyed.

"All she does is kiss me. I can't take it anymore" He complains

I looked outside the compartment to see Hermione walk up, she notices the heart but still walks in anyway.

"Hey Harry" She greets sweetly taking a seat next to me

"Hey Hermione" Ron says awkwardly


The tension has been awkward between them since that whole kiss in the common room, Hermione says she is over it, but I'm not so sure. She turns to face me and just smiles, her smile was intoxicating.

"So how was the slug club Christmas party? Did you two have fun?" Ron asks us, i couldn't even take my eyes off her

"Yeah. It was nice" I said slightly looking away from her

"More than nice it was perfect....everything about it" Hermione says, i had a feeling she wasn't talking about the party.

He may be dating Lavender but he liked Hermione, i could tell. After the kiss we had things have been extra flirtatious lately.

"So what do you plan on doing for the holidays?" I asked her

"Just spending it with the family. I wish i could spend it with you"

"So do i. But this year Remus and Tonks are coming for dinner" I tell her

"That's great! It has been awhile since you saw them, I'm so happy for you"

"Thank you"

"So....I bought you a gift but I will just give it to you after break" She says, i can see her cheeks turn instantly red

"I'm surei will love whatever it is" She didn't have to get me anything but I did appreciate it

"I know you will like it"

"I haven't bought your gift yet but i know exactly what to get. I promise you will love it, it's beautiful.... just like you" She covers her face with her hands probably trying to hide the redness in her cheeks

"Harry what did i tell you" She scolds quietly, she told me to stop complimenting her because it makes her face turn red

"I know. I just wanted to see that face of yours turn all pink before i left" I tease her, she just starts giggling

"We are going to be at the platform soon, so I better go find Ginny and wish her a Happy Christmas" She stands up and turns towards the door

"Okay. I will write you over the holidays" I tell her, she pulls me in for one last hug and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek

"I'm looking forward to that" I heard her whisper before leaving

I looked over to Ron to see the confusion written on his face.

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