Chapter 20

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I am so sorry for the late update!!  have been really busy but I will be trying to be on time next time. Enjoy!

I can say with one hundred per cent certainty that I wish never to be woken up by Belethrorn again. Honestly, a simple 'wake up' would have been enough instead of a cold splash of water. Beorn, however, looked over the moon, something must have happened between them.

It is still dark outside and we left a note for Roza thanking her for letting us stay the night. The first few stall owners are setting up their shops for today when we reach the shanty town.

"So for the mountains, I imagine we need warmer clothes than these?" Beorn suggests after he spots a stall with warm hides. That might be a great idea.

"I guess so, but will they be able to create a tunic out of it that fast?" I wonder out loud. Belethorn places his hand on my shoulder.

"Leave the clothes to me, if you guys go ahead and buy as much food as you can carry? Preserved if you can, dried meat, dried fruit, dried-"

"Yes, we get it!" Beorn cuts Belethrorn off with a chuckle and receives a warming smile. Those two would be adorable and a couple from hell at the same time if they ever got together.

"Meet me back here!" Belethrorn yells at us when we walk away. Beorn and I stroll across the different stalls. Fresh meat, fresh vegetables, basically everything we don't need.

"We will need flasks," I point out to Beorn when I spot a few dangling at the stall, "and warmer boots." Beorn follows my gaze towards the stall selling all kinds of leather products. From snow boots to reusable flasks and from leather strings for your bows to belts to keep your tunic in place if you are rich, if not then the elves will probably use something like a rope.

"Fine," Beorn agrees and he walks up to the salesman to negotiate for three pairs of snow boots and six flasks. He returns with a scowl on his face. "Rip off, eight gold pieces and a silverstar," he grumbles while handing me my stuff. The boots feel soft and the inside is covered with warm fuzzy fur. Overall it has a greyish colour. I think I am in love with these boots. The flasks Beorn gave me are just as soft as the boots but instead of grey, they seem a light brown. It is still dark outside so I'm not sure.

"Let's see if we can find something to eat." Beorn storms away, still angry or annoyed he was ripped off at the stall. After what seems like an eternity but in reality isn't more than maybe an hour, judging by the number of people on the market, I finally spot a stall selling the foods we need.

"I'd like twelve dried fish of the size for a coppertin, three strips of meat for a silverstar each and six portions of smoked red-nosed goats," I smile politely at the little girl behind the stall. Her face lights up at my order and she excitedly runs over to her mother to tell her what I want. Her mother instructs her to grab the fish and place them in a small woven container as she cuts the smoked goat and gathers the dried strips of meat hanging from the stall construction.

They are fast, really fast. The little girl returns to me with my order, almost unable to carry the foods and places them on the counter. "That will be one gold piece and four silverstars please," she tells me with a lisp. Her face is dirty and her clothes ripped, she doesn't seem older than five to me. Her dirty blonde hair is tied up in two ponytails and when she smiles I can see she misses one tooth. I hand her two goldpieces and when she reaches for the change I stop her.

"What's your name?" I ask her kindly. She hesitates and glances at her mother, busy helping other customers.

"Celeste," she whispers quickly placing her hand so that her mom couldn't see her talking to me.

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