Chapter 34

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!WARNING: this chapter contains descriptions of violence that may trigger something. If you can't handle it skip de parts between ***     ***.!

Enjoy :)


A soft nudge wakes me up. I rub the sleep from my eyes and stretch my limbs, shaking a little while I do so. "Good morning," Fawn greets me with a slight smile. At the entrance of the cave, I hear Aggir yell at Belerhorn in a hushed fashion. 

"What happened?" I yawn and nod my head towards the two. Fawnaya's face turns sour and grumbles something under her breath. "Well?" I ask cocking an eyebrow.

"Belethorn lost our Gems." She sits down and sighs. "With everything on it, our food, our water, our wood. We have nothing." Groaning she lets her head hit the rock behind her. 


"There is nothing to eat out there," Beorn comments irritated whilst marching inside, "I have looked everywhere, no usable roots, no plants, no berries and no animals to trap and kill. Just dried grass, rocks and mud." 

"Good morning to you too," I say to him in an attempt to cheer him up. He glares at me in return and I puff out my cheeks. Well, what a great start of the day. 

"Alright, even though we've lost our source of primary needs," Aggir states and throws a glare at Belethorn, who's sulking in the corner, "we need to get going if we want to reach the next point on time."

I nod and gather my stuff. I rise on my feet and shake my legs to get rid of the stiffness from sleeping. The sky I dark grey when I step out of our sleeping spot. The wind is even slightly colder than it was yesterday. I sling my quiver across my shoulder, adjusting the leather strap so it fits nicely, the orange feathers of my arrows a distinct colour compared to the colours of the environment. 

Greys, browns, black and an occasions blotch of white or geen. Seeing all these bland colours make me miss the colourful flowers back home. 

I spent the majority of the morning talking to Fawnaya. About hopes, dreams and what we want to do with our lives. But most of the time we are just telling each other stuff we can use later. Like, how to talk and behave in company of certain people when she she becomes the Queen. I tell her about everything I used to do to evade my lessons. The endless hiding inside the library. The way I nearly killed Beorn when we first met made her laugh until she doubled over.

She told me about her adventures in the Cucera, how she would get in trouble for annoying the salesmen day in day out. She told me about her training sessions with her dad and how she could beat almost every city guard in combat and how they would either hate or respect her for it.

"Why did you leave home? From what I hear life inside a regal home wasn't that bad?" Fawn asks when I finish yet another story.

"It wasn't," I sigh, kicking some pebbles, "the queen wanted me to marry a stranger. I didn't. So I ran."

"Your mother wanted you to marry? Why?"

"She never really was my mother." If I think back and had to count all the times the queen had acted like a mother to me, I would be done counting before I even lifted five fingers. "The council agreed that I had to marry before they would see me worthy of the crown," I continue, glancing at Fawn.

"That's awful."

I shrug, "they failed, obviously."

We reach a split in the road just before noon. In front of us rises a steep slope and the men argue which is the right direction.

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