Chapter Twenty Four

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》》》I'm sorry if I don't reply to your comments anymore, but I'm still reading them when I got the chance. It's because I'm having a hard time finding an internet connection, since I'm going to study far away from where I live. I hope all of you understands me. Iloveyou guys! Thanks for supporting me. :*《《《


"Miho! Libre ka ba mamaya? O may pupuntahan ka?" 'Miho! Are you free later or are you going somewhere?' Hannah asked.

"Ah.. Eh.. Yup. I'm studying for the exams."

"Studying?? Miho?? You're going to study?? It's so not like you." Hannah said, shocked.

"Yeah." I said.

"What happened to you? Like you never study at all, you still get good grades." she said.

"Nothing." what to say, what to say? I'm getting nervous with all of Hannah's questions.

"Really?" she said, raising one of her eyebrow.

"Ah.. I-It's because I need to study so that I can go to Korea with you." I said, even though I haven't tell mom and dad about it.

"Weh??? Really?? Yes! Ok. Study hard ok??" she said, getting excited.

"Yeah. Ha. Ha. I'm just going to the bathroom." I said, excusing myself.

"Ah. Miho!" she shouted but I ran as fast as I can. I was getting nervous that I started stuttering.

After a few minutes of running I stopped in a corridor for a while to catch my breath.

"Miho?" I heard someone said.

"Kyle?" I said.

"Why are you running?" he asked.

"Ah.. I.. I was.. I was just excersing. Ha. Ha. Ha." I said looking away.

"Oh. Ok." he said, awkwardly, "Can I ask you something?"

"Uh.. Yeah. Sure."

"Are you mad at me?" he asked.

"What? Mad? Why?" I asked.

"Maybe because I haven't been a good boyfriend to you. And because I'm not around you lately." he said in a sad tone.

"No, it's ok. If you want to be with your friends it's fine with me."

Then he suddenly hugged me, "I kinda missed you. How are you lately?" he whispered.

"Kinda? Hahaha. Idiot. I'm fine. Don't worry about me." I said, releasing myself from his hug.

"I'm not." he said.


"I'm not ok, Miho."


"We don't hang out anymore. And I miss you." he said.

Before I could say something my phone buzzed and it's a message from that perv guy.

Message from Pervert:

I need your help. Come here at the secret garden. If you won't come, I'll spread your picture.

"Who's that?" Kyle asked.


"Who's that?" he asked again.

Don't go (EXO Kai) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now