Chapter Twenty Eight

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I'm now awake but I'm still too lazy to stand up. I haven't opened my eyes yet. I sniffed my pillow and I smell a strong fragrance, and it smells like a guy. And why is it buffy and hard? I hugged it tight.

"I know you're awake now. Haha."

I immediately opened my eyes and I was in Jongin's arms hugging him. Why am I sleeping with him? Oh, yeah. I remember. He switched rooms and I fell asleep while we were watching a movie together last night.

"Five more minutes, mom." I said, closing my eyes.

"We're on vacation. We need to go out and enjoy, lazybuns."  he said.

"Hmmm. But I'm still sleepy." I complained.

"Is that it?" he said.

He stood up and I drown myself with the pillows around me and covered myself with a blanket.

"You're really going to sleep all day are you?"

"Uh-hu." I mumbled, "So go away."

"Are you really going to sleep all day?" he asked again.

"Shoo! Let me be." I said, shooing him. If that's even a word.


I heard his footsteps disappear. I was at peace now. I can sleep and have some alone time with my bed. Suddenly I heard his footsteps running then he jumped on the bed. He removed the blanket that was wrapped around me and started tickling me.

"Hahahahaha! J-Jongin! St- Hahahaha!"

"Are you still going to sleep all day? Hahaha."

"St-Stop! Hahahahaha!"

"I'm not going to stop because you are lazy. Hahaha."

I was lying with my face flat on the bed, so my back was facing him. He moved his leg and was now on the outside of mine. He grabbed both my hands with his left hand and started tickling me with his right. I can't move since I was trapped.

"This is your punishment! Bwahahahaha!" he said, laughing like an evil dwarf.

"Stoooop! Hahahahaha! Th-This is so unfair! Hahahahaha!"

Then he stopped. I sigh in relief. Honestly, I think my fisrt and my second button on my top was removed. Thanks to this guy.

He lean closer to my ear, "I'm just starting." he whispered. Then he slightly pulled my top, revealing my neck and my back shoulders.

"Are you going to rape me, Jongin?? That's a no no!"

He began to blow unto my neck then started to plant kisses on the back of my shoulders. I was very ticklish and he knows every spot where I'm sensitive. And when he does that? I won't stop laughing, and I think my laughbox is going to explode. If ever there is a laughbox.

"Hahahahaha. Jongin! Stop! Not there!" I said, non-stop laughing.

"Nope. I love it when I plant kisses on your back and you start laughing. Hahaha."

"Just tickle me anywhere but not there!" I was like a freaking mermaid out of the sea because I was kicking and kicking, also like a retarted seal.

"If you weren't going to sleep all day then this wouldn't have happened."

"Stop harassing me! Hahahahaha. That's my very sensitive spot!"

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