Not a chapter. Sorry. :(

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I'm really sorry for slow updates or no updates at all.

It's just because I'm busy with school because I need to draw *a lot* now. And I have a hectic schedule. Like 7:30 in the morning until 8 in the evening. My butt actually hurts from all the sitting, and my back also hurts since the chairs in my course doesn't have chairs that you can lean on.

All day we just draw. From Mechanical drawing to Design 1, from Drawing 1 to Anatomy, and Lettering. Well, what to expect with my course which is Bachelor of Fine Arts Major in Advertising Arts.

My problems in school is that some of my classmates are blah blah blah. -.-" I don't like it or them. But I found some cool and crazy friends to be with. I also have to buy lots and lots of things like t-square, tracing tube, tracing paper, technical pens, mechanical pencils, sketch pads, and some other stuffs. And I need to bring them all to school. And they also cost a lot of money. -.-"

But honestly I'm having fun in my new school. :) This is what I love to do, and I need to finish this all the way. Haha.

So, how are my readers, voters, and to my people who always comment doing? I hope I didn't disappoint you guys. :( Message me anytime! Or just comment below, or write on my message board! My life is so boring without you guys. :(

I love you all! :* I'll soon update! I will, promise! Just be patient. ;)

~ Author Mijo (Mi-ho) ♡

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