Chapter Thirty Three

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》》》People like me have lives too, you know? Oh, and yeah, unfollow or unvote all you want. I'm sick and tired of all the complaints surrounding me. Go find other people who might want to be annoyed. If you think I'm that person? Beach plith.

I basically like to rant and whine. Whatever. Here's the next chapter even though I'm super pissed off right now and even though my request was marginally ignored. -_-"《《《


I woke up and it's now dawning. Only I don't know what time is it. I'm still feeling somewhat weak. I don't think my fever is gone.

I slightly opened my eyes and I saw Jongin preparing something. I suppose he was blowing on some soup. I was about to call out to him but someone barged inside the room and it was Sehun.

"Yah! Kai!" Sehun shouted.

"Sshh! Be quiet. Miho's still asleep." Jongin said.

Then Sehun lowered his voice and I didn't find out what they were talking about. But then Sehun pulled Jongin out of the room. Where are they going?

I think I drop asleep again since my body was too weak since I think I have a high fever right now. A good way to enjoy my summer. Yehey. Note the heavy sarcasm.


I roused up because I felt someone touch my forehead and I saw Kyle sitting beside me.


"You're still hot." he said, while touching my forehead, "You need a towel bath so your fever lowers down." I just nodded and he helped me sat down, "Here. I found a sleveless shirt for you to change into so you won't get cold when I towel bath you and that I won't have to do it with you with just a bra." he handed me the shirt, "I won't look while you change." he said, looking away.

I was too weak to have the strength to alter my clothes.

"Ah. K-Kyle?"

"Yup?" he asked, still not facing.

"I-I need help."

"Is it ok to look?" he asked.

"Haha. We both have no choice." I said in a mild voice, "You're funny."

"O-Ok." he said, and so he helped me remove my shirt while I saw him blush and was looking away.

"Thank you, Kyle." I said trying to smile.

"Yeah." he said, while he towel bath me.

It was a few minutes of just pure silence. I was kinda sad because I feel like I haven't been around Kyle lately. And I haven't told him about Jongin sharing a room with me.

"About Jong-"

"That he's sharing a room with you? I already know that."

"I-I'm sorry."

"It's ok. I'm getting used to it already. I mean, you hanging out with him. I totally understand. I know you just miss him." he said, standing up, "You need to rest. Call me if you need something."



"I-I'm hungry. Can you feed me some?" I said, pointing at the side table where the soup was.

He was silent as he was feeding me some soup. I'm thankful to have him around.

"I also bought you medicine." he said, "Drink up." he handed me the medication and a glass of water.

Don't go (EXO Kai) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now