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Alex's POV

Maggie and I had been anxiously pacing, waiting for the call back from the station. Finally, the ring came and we both jumped. I ran over and picked up the phone, trying to catch my breath as we got the news.

"So, what's the final decision?" I asked, skipping all the pleasantries and getting to the reason Maggie and I had contacted them in the first place.

"You can work for us on one condition."

"What's that?" I smiled at Maggie, indicating that we had the job.

"You tell us everything you know about Aliens." My smile dropped quicker than Kara's would have if someone told her the potstickers were sold out.

"What makes you think we know anything about aliens?" I tried my best to keep it cool but I knew I wasn't good at it if someone caught me off guard like that. I put the phone in speaker mode so that Maggie could hear everything too.

"Because of some things you said in the letter. Something about wanting to work for the Fire Station to see what sort of things are really behind the fires. It made us think you have suspicions that we are trying to cover things up."

"I will tell you everything we know if you let us work for you."

"Then I guess we have a problem considering I won't let you work for us until I know what you know."

"Can we meet? Like, grab a coffee or something so this isn't over the phone?"

"Sure. Meet me in thirty-six hours at the coffee shop two blocks east from the station."

"Why thirty-six hours?" I said, sort of laughing inside as he sounded a lot like J'onn when he spoke so specifically.

"Because that's when my next break is." He hung up the phone and Maggie and I both looked at each other.

"Longer than thirty-six hours without a break? Are you sure you can handle that, Danvers?"

"I can handle anything if it means I can finally get back to National City."

"Just because..." I cut her off, trying not to think about punching her teeth out.

"Kara needs me to be home on time. After everything that happened recently and now this... Lena has got hell coming her way."

We sat down at the coffee shop, sure enough, he was there exactly on time.

"What's the matter? Never seen anyone on time?"

"Just the opposite actually," Maggie replied, keeping me silent. She told me on the walk over here that she needed to do the talking.

"So, tell me about your relations with Aliens. It must be close considering the length you guys are going to hide it."

"Her sister is from Krypton."

"Krypton? How?"

"She ran away a while ago, we raised her as our own and taught her to act human," I spoke up despite Maggie's love of my silence.

"Wait. Kryptonian sister? Your accent. You two are from National City. You are Alex and Maggie."

"Okay, we told you our first names, you are going to have to do better than that, Brainiac." I looked over at Maggie and she smiled.

"How did you..."

"You are terrible at hiding it. Plus, the makeup is coming off near your ear." I looked to where Maggie was motioning and found that she was right. A tinge of blue could be seen under the skin coloured makeup that he had obviously been using to hide that he was an alien.

"Why do you want to join the department?"

"We want to leave," Maggie said, earning a glare from me. Why would she just come out and say it?

"Can you get us out of here?" I asked him, giving him a strange look.

"Yes, but you will have to earn their trust which can take years so I guess this isn't your best option." I looked at Maggie, who sighed.

"Back to the drawing board."

Lena's POV

I sat under the tree, waiting for Kara. I grabbed out a book to read and put some music on, trying not to think about what was going to happen soon. This was going to be the final time Kara and I saw each other. She arrived about an hour later, bringing J'onn with her. The moment I saw them, I felt tears run down my face. When they got closer, I saw that she had previously been crying.

"J'onn? What are you doing here?" Kara was standing several metres away, her back facing us and her headphones in.

"I'm here to make sure you both stay civil. And to make sure no-one gets hurt."

"Do you seriously think she might hurt me?" I was kind of offended that J'onn was implying Kara would hurt anyone.

"No, she lost her powers recently and I am here to make sure you two don't hurt each other."

"How did she lose her powers?"

"None of us know. She won't tell us anything about the situation with you either. All she has said is that you lied to her about your mother and Cadmus. I quote 'She is Cadmus. She lied to me. Her mother is still alive and she hasn't told me'. She can rot in hell for all I care"

"Lillian's alive?"


Hey Fam,

Unfortunately, the end is near. I know, it sucks. But let me know if a trilogy is in order and I will look into it. For now, I will probably write a few more chapters before ending the Sanvers/Supercorp adventures for this story. As usual, thanks for reading and voting, it means a heap.

OOO, also, I almost forgot,


Anyone to guess where this quote is from can get a dedication in the next chapter.

"Release your inner devil. Get laid. Play the piano. Punish evil. Just, whenever you're faced with a choice, ask yourself the question, 'WWLD'."

Love you all...

A Thousand Years - Sanvers (Earth 90 Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now