Tick meets Papyrus

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((This takes part in the normal Undertale...comment on what storie I should do next:) ))

Papyrus was out patrolling for humans."I HAVE TO CATCH A HUMAN FOR UNDYNE AND ASGORE!"
Papyrus hasn't been this determined for years. It was like Papyrus was a whole new person.

Of course Sans was sitting at the station drink and ketchup.This made Papyrus so frustrated sometimes.He marched over to Sans."SANS..YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO BE LOOKING OUT FOR HUMANS!YOU ALWAYS DO THIS!WILL YOU EVER CHANGE NYEEH?!!"Said Papyrus going crazy,waving his arms about,you name it!Papyrus did it!
"nope"chuckled Sans taking a big gulp of ketchup.
"SANS!!" Papyrus yelled.Papyrus was so angry and ashamed of his lazy brother who sat on his but all day,he stormed of to finish patrolling.

It has gotten VERY foggy ,Papyrus could barley see!He saw a shadowy figure.It looked like Sans!
"Wasn't Sans at his station a minute ago"ponder Papyrus with his hand up to his chin.
"WHO ARE YOU SHADOWY FIGURE?!"screamed papyrus towards....no response.
"Well,well,well.A Papyrus.maybe I can take a break from the sanses and give him a shot!"Thought the figure.
"Allow me to introduce myself.I am Tick.I come from TickleTale!"Said Tick.
"BYE BYE!"screamed Papyrus , then he ran towards snowdin.Papyrus hated being tickled!It was the worst.


Papyrus got into his house where sans was watching TV.Papyrus was panting and shivering.
"Welp,I'm heading to Grillbys.See ya later!"said sans.And with a click of a finger,blue magic coverd sans and he disappeared.Leaving Papyrus all on his own in the skelabros house.

((Later after cooking))

Papyruses pasta was almost ready to eat.He grabbed the bowl and started walking over to the table.
"We meet again Papyrus..."said a voice.
"NNNNYYYYEEEEEHHHH" said papyrus in shock,he dropped the plate.The pasta splattered everywhere!
"NOOOO MY PASTA!!"screamed papyrus dropping to his knees next to the disappointing SPAGETTI!
"Eh...sorry?"said the voice.Papyrus looked over.It was Tick again!Would he ever let Papyrus be alone?
"I believe we have met.You ran of and ignored me!You will get punished for that!"said Tick.
Papyruses body froze in horror as he scanned the figure.He was wearing a pink hoodie with no shirt on underneath it , normal blue jeans and pink shoes.Around his neck was a necklace that had feathers all over it!He had yellow fangs just like fell sans did."As you should know I come from TickleTale.The AU isn't finished but somehow I was created before the actual AU!Tick said."ARE YOU GOING TO TICKLE ME!?"said Papyrus instantly regretting his question.
"Well what else would I be here for?!"Tick said running towards Papyrus.
Papyrus instantly ran up the stairs.Tick chased after him.It was much more fun then using magic.
"I'm gonna get cha!"said Tick getting closer to papyrus.
Papyrus ran into his room.He did it so quick He closed the door and locked it before Tick could get in the room.

For the next 5 minutes Tick stood outside.Making grunting noises to sound like he was defeated.
When Papyrus calmed down a bit.But then he realized...All Sanses can teleport.

Just then he heard the sound of teleportation.Oh No.
But Tick was nowhere in sight!"WHAT"said Papyrus.
Just the Tick jumped on to Papyrus so Papyrus was laying on his belly , And Tick was sitting on his hips.
"NYEH GET OF A ME!"said Papyrus banging the ground.
"nope"Said Tick.Tick suddenly lightly started to poke Papyruses ribs.
"*giggles*s-stop *chuckles g-get of a me hehe"giggled papyrus.
Tick decided to spider Papyruses other side."hahah w-wait stop hahahahahaah!"Papyruses laughs grew louder.
"Trying to hold back laughter I see?not happening!"said Tick.Tick slowly started pushing his hand up to Papyruses armpits!"NYEH heh heh hahahahaha stop HAHAHAHA !"
Tick knew that all Papyruses most ticklish part were their feet.Tick took advantage of that!
He turned around,Papyrus panting deeply,a took of Papyruses boots.As soon as Papyrus felt his boots being taken off he froze in deep horror ."S-STOP WE CAN C-CAN TALK ABOUT ALL OF T-THIS!"
Tick used his magic to keep Papyruses ankles pined to the ground.
Tick took his hand and was wiggling hear Papyruses feet."Tickle tickle PAPYY!said Tick
Teasing?thats the worst!Soon Tick started to tickle Papyruses left foot and tickled the other foot with a green feather.
This made Papyrus go bonkers.

After 10 minutes tick stopped

"Papyrus?"called a confused voice.DAMIT original sans was back."Welp got talent blast said Tick jumping up.
"OH NO YOU DONT!"said Papyrus said to tick grabbing his ankle."Let go twerp"Said Tick.Then he teleported away to the front door.Tuck opens the door and jumped out."AHH!"Screamed original. "AHHHHH!"screamed Tick.
The went down tumbling into the snow.Papyrus jumped outside."SANS YOU ARE JUST ON TIME!THIS AU OF YOU TICKLED ME TILL I DIED!"screamed Papyrus stomping his left leg.
Sans and Tick were lying in the snow next to eachother .
As soon as Sans heard his brother say that he turned his head and looked at Tick.
He started tickling Tick's sides!"HAHAHAHAHA D-DUDE THATS MY JOB HAHAHAHAHAAH!laughed Tick.
"Wow"thought sans."You are super Ticklish"

Tick the teleported away.
Papyrus and sans cleaned up the SPAGETTI the was splattered everywhere.The they got ready for bed.
As soon as Sans started reading Fluffy bunny, Papyrus fell asleep instantly.

((Wow almost 1,000 words!Awsome!Comment another Tickle short I should do on Pokémon or Undertale))

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