STOP.THAT{Nightmare X Cross}

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It was a quiet day in Nightmares castle.Almost everybody had gone out on a mission against the star sanses.The only people that were there were Nightmare, Cross and Horror.Fortunatley, Horror had gone into his soundproof room with Lust for a while... and he wont be coming out for another while too.Yoy can probably guess why.If not, The star sanses are proud of you Reader.

Nightmare was simply sitting on his throne, staring blanlly at the large door at the end of the room, waiting for his servants to come back with his job complete.His steen face was still, and his eyes deep, like you could drown in their deadliness.He was so, blank.But at the same time, everyone could read his emotion . . . Pissed.

He always gets angry for no good reasom, peobably the fact hes the king of darkness, and hes always negative, waiting and waiting for something good to happen to him.But it never did.And Nightmare believes it  will stay like that forever.As Nightmare went to shift, he could feel something . . . soft brush against his neck.He jolted up and gagged, his shock making his eyes widened, as he slapoed the back of his neck and turned around.Nothing there

Nightmare squinted his eyes as his perked up tentacles relaxed again."Imagination . . ." Nightmare thought, but after around five seconds, it happened again, this time faster.Nightmare let out a squeak this time, turning around quickly, fast enough to see a small but fluffy white feather, connceted to a thick white skeleton hand retracting behind Nightmares throne.Nightmare snarled and frowned , knowing it was Cross.He imediatley did a 180° and jumped off the throne, slashing hus tentacle around the leg.As he puled the throne away from the wall, a curled up Cross was seen bhind it, looking at Nightmare with small, scared red and white eyes, his mouth hidden behind his fluffy scarf.Cross started vibrating with his shaking and bavked fully up against the wall, spread out like a starfish as he trembled "p-please boss, N-nightmare.I-im sorry just d-don't hurt me!!!" he exclaimed in trembly fear.Nightmare then looked down, his eyes hidden, as he suspensefully started taking loud , but slow stomps towards Cross.

Crosses anxiety built up, him sweatdropping and gripping onto his skull in trauma.Cross squeaked and quickly yelped out "L-look please I-im so sorry Nightmare!!!I won't ever disobey you agai-" but cross got inturupted by Nightmare whipping his tentacle right against the wall, letting out a loud cracking sound, making a met crack in the wall.Cross yelped out in fear, tears filling his eye sockest, knowing that Nightmare did that to silence him.Cross shrunk down more as Nightmare finally reached him, towaering over him   . . . As he deeply and echoy spoke . . . .


Cross practically shit himself just then, squeezing his pupiless eyes shut to block his cowardess tears, slowly looking down.This was it . . . Nightmare was going to finally take him down to the torture chambers for good.Hes going to cut off his limbs one by one, hear his screams, and watch him die from the pain.These thoughts rushed through Crosses head in less than a second, getting ready for a good beating on the spot . . . he didnt expect what happened next . . .

Cross felt a boney finger gently scratch at his neck.His eyes opened wide in that instant and looked up at the deathly looking- . . . Smiling Nightmare?He was acually smiling!Cross imediatley bit his lip, not daring to let out any noise, as he gripped onto his scarf, tensing uo, but didnt dare to resist or scruntch up his neck.He was going to have to embrace this if he wanted to live.

Nightmares tentacle pushed the throne back against the wall, as he physically picked up Cross in his gooey arms, sitting down on the throne, and sat cross down on his waist.Crosses cheeks then turned slightly purple at their position, Nightmare noticing this and seemed shocked, to not see Crosses cowering expression anymore.Nightmare smirked at Cross as he slowly waited for a while, and then slowly Nightmare said "ECTO BODY IF YOU PLEASE...".Crosses eyes widened imediatley at what Nightmare said, but he obeyed, forming a smooth male body with slightly strong arms, not buldging though.Nightmare smirked and ripped off crosses hoodie, making the smaller skeleton gaso, which returned in Nightmare taking crosses shirt off, leaving him with his exposed torso, ribs and belly.Just what Nightmare wanted.Cross bucked up and covered his ribs, becoming more confused*"W-what are you doing Nightmare?".No reply

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