Christmas bondage (Fell x Sci)

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"Classic I'm sorry!I promise I'm not g-gay I was just d-drunk"Sci said chasing after Classic.
"I HAVE NO DOUBT THAT YOU STILL ARE!"Classic said still running.Fell looked around and saw them both running after each other."What the hell are you two doing?!"he yelled.Sci looked over at fell and blushed a bit."N-nothing.Just Classic is being and ASS"Sci said ,chasing classic around the table.Classic was on the other side ."You don't stop chasing me Sci,Then I'll tell FELL!"Classic exclaimed with a cheeky expression in his face."What?!What about me!?"Fell shouted putting down his cup of spiked eggnog!"N-nothing!"Sci quickly spitted.Classic chuckled at this,knowing that fell would make him any way he can."Sci I swear to god if you are hiding secrets from me so help YOU!"Fell said grabbing his shoulder , but he accidentally slid a boney finger up His neck."*squeak!*"Sci squeaked.Classic looked stunned.And surprised."Dude...whahaht the hell was that haahhha"Classic laughed."Seriously What the heck was THAT?!"Fel remakes pretty confused."N-nothing!It doesn't m-matter!"Sci put in.Sci blushes a bit green from being embarresed.An idea clicked into fells head.He knew if he did this back in underfell he might be made fun of ...HECK even killed!But, this isn't UnderFell...this is a bunch of other bins from fun and nicer universes so he would be a bit awkward doing it but...they won't judge him.

"Hey Nerd come with me for a second!I know how to make ya tell me what the heck is going on..."Fell added while walking away gesturing sci to come with him.Sci sweated a drop.He was nervous.Hes quite a rough guy.Would he hurt him?Would he torture him?Would he KILL HIM!?All these thoughts rushed through Scis head not noticing that he is standing still motionless."Eh Sci?Underground to Sci-"YEAH?!Oh oh right"Classic was intruded by Sci and Sci followed Fell into the closet room, looking at Classic before he closed the door, alone with Fell.Classic gave him some thumbs up and walked away.Sci slowly closed the door with a creek.

"So nerd" Fell sat down on the ground, patting the floor next to him to show Sci where to sit."Why were you running and blushing...and WHAT was Classic trying to tell me that you didn't want me to hear?!"Fell quickly jumped to the subject giving kind of a rough gesture.Sci jerked back from a reflex."Y-you're making this a b-bigger deal than I-it is F-Fell."

"...T E L L M E..."

Fell was getting quite impatient with Sci.He narrowed his eyes more everytime Sci would reply."SCI!I know you are lying!"Fell called him Sci instead of nerd.He was serious."I-I...can't "Sci added on scared."Cant or won't..."Fell Replied.
Fell got no response.Fell raised his hand up in the air."Wait I-I'm Sorry p-p-please dont h-hurt me!!!"Sci was truly terrified that green tears started dripping from his eyes.All fell Did was grab his wrist."Wow nerd calm down!Im not gonna hurt you.Why would I do that"Fell added a bit concerned.Fell wipes away some tears from Scis eyes.Sci blushed a light green from this.Luckily Fell didn't notice.

"Hmmm...hurting you won't make you how about I try something else..."Fell said pushing Sci towards him.Fell then noticed his blush but didn't comment."W-What do you mean?"Sci added.Fell replies by poking one of Scis ribs.Sci squeaked very loudly.He wasn't to muse to touch or tickling!He is always on the lab so he never sees anyone so no one can touch him ( XD ) Fell smirked."s-stop grinning it's c-creepy!"Sci said not thinking it was creepy but more...cute."This will be more fun than I imagined."Fell said.Fell pinned Sci to the wall using magic and pinned his arms above his head and his feet to the ground infront of him!"H-hey!L-let go!!"Sci screamed.Fell stood up and looked over at him.Oh god.He looks ...adorable!Hes blushing his glasses are cute and he looks so nervous.Fell blushes a bit red.But Sci didn't notice.Fell walked over and sat on Scis hips.Sci blushes bright green again.Fell DIDNT want to be weird but he was gonna have to...take of Scis sweater.Fell three of his sweater.Fell could control his blush but Sci, his face looked like a lime.Completely green."Awww what's wrong?Self contious about your ribs?"Fell teases as he started scratching his ribs."Sci started giggling cutely."Nahah giveheh meehe bahahk my shihihrt!!"Sci said through his giggles."Well yes you can...but after you tell me what Classic was trying to tell me!"Fell teases."Neheheehehver!!"Sci would regret saying that."Welp you know how to stop it"Just then , Fell started spidering all over Scis sensitive ribs."Nahahahahahs hehehehe Eh last I'm tohohohoh tihihicklish hehehehe!"Sci laughed.He tried to escape his tickly fingers but no luck."hmm still not breaking huh?Well see about that."Fell whispered.Fell moved his hands up to Scis Armpits.Sci began laughing."Nahahhah nahahahah thahahhaahhare fehehehel stagahahhahahahal!!"Sci was still blushing.Fell slowed down and slowly and lightly started stroking his underarms.Sci started squeaking and holding in his giggles."Fehehehl nohohoho this is tohohhortureehhe!!"Sci squeaked.Fell stopped for a second and then slid a finger up Scis spine."*squeak!*No no no no no no no no no no!"Sci argued nervously."Yes yes yes!Untill you tell me!"Fell shouted and started lightly spidering all over Scis spine."Nahahahahh!Sthahahahahhap!Fehehehehel I cajabhahahahhahant mahahahhahahhahahahaha!"Fell couldn't even make out what he was saying.Fell started spidering harder and faster."NAHHAHAH!Fell stsahahahahahap pleeghegehehehehehehehheshseehehhehehehehehhehehhahahahahhahahahhahahahhaha!!!"A bit of tears started forming in his eyes!Fell gives him a breath break.Sci starts panting still giggling a bit."O-okay you're d-d-done!"Sci said weakly."Nope!You still haven't told me yet.""It's not importa-"THEN WHY WONT YOU TELL ME?!"Fell interrupted.Fell removed his slippers.Sci immediately freaked out."I saved the best spot for last."Fell said evilly.Fell started spidering his socked feet.Sci was trying so very hard to hold is his laughter.Fell decided to take of his socks ,and he did.He started scratching at his right sole."NAHAHHAHAHA FEHEHEHL STAHHAHAHAP I CAHAH!"Sci began laughing loudly, wiggling his foot around violently."Wow that is super ticklish!"Fell said.He began to spider both or his soles and scratch his heels."NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA FEHEHEHHEEHHEGEL I CAHAHAHHAHAHAANT TAHAHAHAH!!"Sci started forming tears again.Fell looked up and blushed and continued but instead started spidering under his toes. You "NAHAHHAGAHAHAHAH CEHEHEHEHEEHEGEHL!!"Sci continued laughing loudly.Fell slowed down and started scratching under his toes."NAHAHHAHAHAHAA. OKAHAHAHAHAY I WIHIHIHL SAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAY JUGUHUHUST STAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAP!!!!!!!!"Sci finally gave up.Its not worth it .He is too sensitive.Fell stood up above the panting blushing nerdy mess and waited for him to explain himself.He started crying a bit."I-well R-red I think y-you are h-hot and cool and a-awesome and I l-love you so much!B-But I know y-you could n-never love a n-n-nerd like me!You d-deserve way b-better like G-Geno or someone w-who Acually m-makes you h-happy!"He started blushing and crying harder."I-I...I ACCEPT ANY OPINION YOU H-HAVE ON ME NOW!"Sci started bawling his eyes out crying, as the tears trickled down his face ,the magic went away.Fell walked over to Sci and bent down."Sci..."Fell said.He moved his chin up to face him."You are the only one who makes me happy.Nerd or not YOU are my top priority!"He wipes away his tears and blushes deeper red.So did Sci."I love you Sci...never forget that."Just then, Fell closed the gap between their lips.Sci was really tense and then relaxed, wrapping his arms around Fells neck.Fell then picked sigh up and bit his neck softly."Ahhh!~<3"Sci Moaned lightly.Fell smirked and Sci blushed."How about we have some more fun in here cute stuff?"Fell said licking his lips...
HEY YOU SINNERS I CAUGHT YA!sorry I haven't been uploading a lot but I will be back soon!Maybe I should starts a lemon sanscest book!Would you guys like that 0w0?!?

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