Ticklish for a tough guy (FellSwap / Raspberry sans + Error)

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Before we start I am calling Fellswap sans Berry for short *ba dum Cush*. Pun intended!
Letting you know I love y'all!

This is Raspberry |
Error was in the Void lying on the ground ,looking up at the non existing sky,bored out of his own existence. Usually he would torture people, but ink won't let him DO that.
Error remembered a couple of weeks ago he tickle ink . {In the story strings}. He actually found it fun. But he would never admit it. Even if he was getting tortured. Never. Who was someone he has not gotten . Maybe FreshTale? Nah.
He had already done him a long long time ago. Lust. No! He would say gross stuff like 'oh yes! More bone daddy! MORE!'. Error had already cringed at the fact LustTale was even a THING! Ink created it.

A light bulb appeared on top of Errors skull. "I know. FellSwap Sans! Perfect *giggles evilly*" Error chuckled to himself. Error sprang up and opened a portal to FellSwap. There was Papyrus, at his station. Sleeping peacefully. Any Fell universe was a sad place. Papyrus loved his bro, and so did sans.But in any Fell universe, they couldn't show love. They could only show Level Of ViolencE. Error thought it was sad. But he was loosing focus.






He saw Raspberry. He looked mad seeing Papyrus slaking of again. [i am not gonna let his ruin his slumber] thought Error. Error quickly shot to some strings. They wrapped around his ankles tying the together. "*Grunts shockingly* W-What the hell?!"Raspberry said. Error lifted him into the void. Shooting more strings out from Errors fingers. Tying Raspberry in an X position in the air , not too high. "What the fuck?! W-who the hell are you?Let me go n-" said Raspberry. "Ah ah ah! We don't curse!Also my name is Error and I am not letting you go."said Error. Error had a plan. He was gonna ask Raspberry a fake question and Raspberry won't have a clue what he is talking about.
"I believe you have something of mine, short fell!"said Error. "Shut up!I am not shor-wait... what the hell are you t-talking about!I don't have anything of yours ya weird glitch s-so pu t me down!"said Raspberry struggling.

"I know you have it. Tell me or else!" Error said. "I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING BELONGING TO YOU YA FILTHY JERK!" He demandingly screamed. "Oh well. I guess you have to take this punishment!" Said Error walking over to him. Raspberries  eyes widened in fear. Error was looking right at his revealing spine. Error walked over and stroked his finger up his spine. He received a jerk. "H-hey what the he'll do you think you are doing?!"he said while sweat drops fell from his skull. Raspberry wasn't use to tickling. His brother wouldn't dare to do it to him . Back in FellSwap it was considered a very childish thing to do. Error started stroking his fingers up and down Raspberries spine. Raspberry bit his nom-existing spine. He was holding back the laughter like a champ. "No laughing huh? "Said Error.
"I was gonna save this for last... But you need to laugh so I will do it now". Error kneels down on his knees and begins to take of Raspberries boots. " H-hey don't do that you asshole!" Raspberry said. "Oh you cursed you are really gonna get it!" Said Error teasingly. Error takes of his socks. Error starts spidering his left foot slowly and lightly. He was still holding in the laughter , but tears started forming in his eyes. With Errors other hand , he began scratching his right foot. Raspberry couldn't hold back the laughter. "HAHAAH s-thahahahpp hahahahahahahhahahahhahahhaa!!"Laughed Raspberry , struggling and trying to pull his feet away. Of course , he failed. "Hehehahaha I dddohahahhahahannt ahahhahaha Whhatahahaat yyyoouhahahr lohahaahhaking f-for hahahaha!"Tears started dripping From his eyes. Raspberry closed his eyes so Error wouldn't see it. "Wow I forget all the Papyrus's feet are super ticklish" teased Error.
Error pulled out a big red feather. Raspberry opened his eyes , and to his horror he sees the huge big tickly feather.
"H-hey I'm innocent don't let that DISCUSTING thing lick me!" Said Raspberry trying to look threatening.
"You don't look very threatening why you're tied up now do you?" Said Error chuckling to himself.
Error stroked the feather swiftly up his feet once. "*squeak*!"Raspberry squeaked. "Did I just hear a squeak?" Said Error.
Raspberry blushed. "S-shut up".Error began stroking his fingers down his left foot and did the same but with the feather on his right foot."Hahahahhaohahahaahahhaaa why hahahahahaha Hahahaa Hahahaahhahah HAHAHAHAA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!"Raspberry why laughing so loud.

"Well it was fun being over Guys!"said Ink.Ink just met up with Dream and Blue."C ya tomorrow  !"said Dream.
"Bye!"said Blue. Ink got his paintbrush and drew a portal.He jumped in.He saw Error tickling Raspberry. Error hid behind every Errors stash of stolen things and watched. [Error... Doing something nice?This is so weird but so cute]thought Ink blushing a little Rainbow on his cheeks

           "HAHAHAHA STHAHAHAHAP IHAHAAHIT TICKHAHAHAAHAHLEEHhaha!"Raspberry couldn't even really speak , because Error started Spidering his spine with his two hands quickly up and down.
"PfftahahhahHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAH!Rasberry was squirming around like crazy. Error continued this for 5 minutes. "P-plehase I really d-don't know w-w-where your item is." Said Raspberry. "Oh yeah... I made that up. You stole nuthin of mine"said Error. "WHAT THE HELL, YO-*squeak*"Rasberry squeaked because Error poked his ghost belly.{I am just gonna say belly but I know it's a ghost belly}"You squeaked again!" Said Error teasingly again. Raspberry blushed even more. You could see in his eyes he was NOT enjoying this. He wanted to hide his face so Error couldn't see the Crimson blush that was all over his cheeks. Error began tickling his belly hard and fast merciless. "MwehehhehhhahahaahahahahhahHhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahhahahahahhahaha!!!"Laughed Raspberry. Error forgot that when you tickle them they sound like there bro.He continued
"HAhahahahahhahahahahahhah!!STHAHAHAAPAAAHAHAHAHHAH!!!!!!"Raspberry had tears falling onto the ground. Error stuck his hands under his battle body.
"Get of O me you mad man!"said Raspberry. Error started scratching at his ribs.

He didnt laugh

He didn't cry

He didn't squeal

But he purred

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!"laughed  Error ."*snicker* when someone tickles you ribs you purr?!Hahah!".Raspberries whole face went red. He was so embarrassed. Instead of  tickling his ribs , Error began drilling his Armpits.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!"Laughed Raspberry. Error continued tormenting his armpits for 10 minutes. Ink thought Raspberry had enough tickles. "Error! I am home! " said Ink. Error quickly untied Rasberry and plopped him back in his universe. Rasberry got thrown into the snow laughing from the phantom tickles. "H-hey that idiot forgot to give me back his sho-"Raspberries shoe fell on his head. "Oh come o-"the other one fell on his head. Rasberry put his shoes back on thinking about how he was gonna get revenge.
"Oh H-hey Ink I wasn't expecting you back so early!"said Error nervously. "Yeah Blue had to go on PATROLL soooo we had to cut it short." Said Ink.

      The rest of that afternoon the stole and Ate some pizza and watched some TV. Error fell asleep and flopped on Inks lap. Ink blushed.


HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED THIS STORY!❤️💛💚💙💜❤️💛💚💙💜❤️💛💚💙💜❤️💛💚💙💜❤️💛💚💙💜

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