// introduction //

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A NOTE: this is prequel to haywire, but you can read this without having read haywire. it's set a year before haywire begins!



in which godbrothers lie
to try and pretend
but their refusal for goodbyes
is stuck with the amity that they spend

in which assumptions lay heavy
and weigh down their hope
so they build their levee
to have a chance to learn to cope

in which the past catches up
no matter how hard they try
to forget the temporary hookups
because it's useless to lie

in which acceptance is dire
yet bodies and souls collide
denial is stronger than desire
so the love is set aside

in which lips smash together
and fingers pull on hair
but it's not with each other
as one is part of an affair

in which best friends are in love
and one another is essential
yet feelings are gotten rid of
as some things need to be kept confidential

here is the revamp (??) of the introduction
not much has changed but i've made it less like it's for when haywire is set, rather than before haywire when it's actually set

to new readers: i hope you enjoy confidential!

1 // CONFIDENTIAL // JEDDYWhere stories live. Discover now